Turkey, U.S are Pro-Federalism for Syria after Assad’s exit
1.8. 2012 – GULAN MEDIA – Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Dawood Oglu is supposed to meet Masoud Barzani President of Iraqi Kurdistan on Wednesday to disscus his country’s 6 articles regarding Syria’s situation and its future, Kurdish newspaper Bas reported. According to a report by Today’s Zaman, Dawood Oglu has vowed not to let any separatist movement to take place in Syria, saying that the country should stay united.
” we are not in support of Kurdish independence. We will not let it happen. Syria should remain united ” Oglu said. Turkey however is in support of federalism and decentralization after Assad’s exit, he added.Oglu is supposed to disscus these issues on Wednesday’s meeting with President Barzani, seeking his support. Turkey is seems to be worried about the PKK-PYD coalition in Kurdistan of Syria.
“The terrorist PKK organization’s cooperation with the [Democratic Union Party] PYD is something we cannot look favorably upon,” Erdoğan said earlier in the interview with TV 24. “If a formation that’s going to be a problem, if there is a terror operation, [if] an irritant emerges, then intervening would be our most natural right.”
U.S authorities are in the smae position as their Turkish allies.A senior U.S official warned that Kurdish autonomy in Syria could be “slippery slope”.”We don’t see for the future of Syria an autonomous Kurdish area or territory. We want to see a Syria that remains united,” Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon said in İstanbul. “We’ve been clear both with the Kurds of Syria and our counterparts in Turkey that we don’t support any movement towards autonomy or separatism, which we think would be a slippery slope. We are very clear about that.” Gordon, however, also emphasized that the Syrian opposition needs to be inclusive and give a voice to all groups in Syria, including the Kurds.