MESOP 15.1.2013 – Remzi Kartal, the leader of the Kurdistan People’s Congress (KONGRA-GEL), today spoke about intelligence information that his organisation received in 2011 about Turkey sending assassination squads to Europe.

“The timing of the killings, in the current process of ongoing talks for the Kurdish problem, shows that the assassination was planned by circles that do not want a solution to this problem. In this respect, the killings may have been planned by circles that we heard had sent execution teams to Europe back in 2011″, he said.

“However, we don’t know yet if the Paris killings are related with the news we heard at that time. We need to have evidences to put forward such an allegation,” he added. “The killings are unacceptable and leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan) will be saying the same. The government should therefore act with extreme responsibility and sensitivity to avoid provocations in this process. It should also demand an investigation about the killings in order to ensure trust. So far though the Turkish government and media have done nothing except trying to cover up the killings, which makes the Kurdish movement and public opinion regard the Turkish government and state as some sort of an accomplice in the execution”.