Heshmat Alavi@HeshmatAlavi 5 June 2020
41m #BREAKING The International Atomic Energy Agency reporting #Iran is enriching uranium at increasing levels. This is in serious violation of the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA).
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Matt Lee@APDiploWriter
· 51m
VIENNA (AP) — The #UN’s atomic watchdog says #Iran‘s stockpiles of enriched uranium are increasing in violation of a key nuclear deal.
Heshmat Alavi@HeshmatAlavi·
#UPDATE Important details regarding the IAEA’s new report on #Iran “Diplomats say uranium disk for neutral sources would be used for nuclear test or device.”
laurence norman@laurnorman
· 35m
Latest: IAEA #says Iran produced natural uranium metal disk in early 2000s that underwent drilling, hybriding that was not declared. Diplos say uranium disk for neutral sources would be used for nuclear test or device.
Heshmat Alavi@HeshmatAlavi
9m 5 June 2020
#BREAKING IAEA expresses “serious concern” that #Iran “has continued for months to deny it access to sites of interest to it, describing previous suspected activities there that could have been part of a nuclear weapons programme.”
IAEA voices serious concern at Iran’s stonewalling on old sites
The U.N. nuclear watchdog expressed serious concern on Tuesday that Iran has continued for months to deny it access to sites of interest to it, describing previous suspected activities there that…
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