Turkey plans to send mercenaries into Haftanine

Bids by the Turkish State are under way to send mercenaries of the al-Nusra Front and the Turkistan Islamist Party into the region of Haftanine in Southern Kurdistan.  

NEWS 24 Dec 2020, Thu – 09:35 2020-12-24T09:35:00 NEWS DESK  – Information available purport that endeavors by the Turkish Occupation State to send into Haftanine of Southern Kurdistan mercenaries of the al-Nusra Front and the Turkistan Islamist Party that participated in the occupation of al-Bab, Jarablus and north eastern Syria, after they were sent into Libya and Karabakh, and so-called Turkistan Islamist Party includes members from Uighur, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other mercenaries from mid Asian countries.

According to information from reliable sources, the Turkish Occupation State endeavors to occupy border areas with 8-14 km deepness into Southern Kurdistan, to be declared as a permanent safe zone, and deploying mercenaries from Syrian territories.

It seems that the Turkish State endeavors to send mercenaries into Haftanine in particular as the concluded agreement between Russia and Turkey, regarding Idlib, comes to an end.

According to the sauce the Turkish State tries to deploy mercenaries to Southern Kurdistan in case international positions reject deployment by Turkish Forces to Southern Kurdistan come to light.

The source in question that gave information on the condition of anonymity gave additional information on plans by the Turkish State regarding Southern Kurdistan and Iraq, and that the plan is not defined to Haftanine alone, rather areas in Kirkuk, Shengal, Hamrine, Hwaija and Diyala too.

Information purport that the Turkish State tries to form affiliated armed factions in those areas under the Turkmen Mobilization.
