MESOP : YPG/PYD (PKK) – Syrian Kurds should give territory back to local government / KURDISH CONQUERERS ?

 US Department of State spokesperson Mark Toner said that Kurdish groups should return territory seized from the Islamic State (IS) to local authorities to allow refugees to return home.

Kurdish groups should return territory seized from the IS to local authorities to allow refugees to return home, US Department of State spokesperson Mark Toner told Sputnik.”We want to see them [Kurds] return that territory to some kind of local authority, local governance so that refugees can then return to that area,” Toner stated on Monday.The United States, Toner continued, has made it clear to members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) that they should not actually seize the land they are liberating from IS. Washington, Toner added, has been in contact with the YPG, but the Kurds have yet to raise their concerns about needing help against Turkish shelling.