2 June 2015 – Statement US Pentagon : However, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steven Warren said there would be no US aerial intervention against the Islamic State in Aleppo Province, in contrast to operations against the militants in eastern Syria. He indicated this was because the Syrian rebels are not reliable, telling a press conference, “[Our priority] remains Iraq, where we have a willing partner on the ground.”

The Islamic State’s attacks have taken some pressure off the Assad regime following a series of major defeats for the Syrian military since March. Assad forces have been all but ejected from neighboring Idlib Province, losing the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughour, the town of Ariha, and military bases. The rebel offensive has moved into northern Hama Province, with the options of turning towards Latakia Province on the Mediterranean, Hama city, or Aleppo city.

The Syrian air force also continued strikes across Idlib Province, retaliating for the rebel gains. The LCC said 25 people died on Monday, most of them in Sinjar and Nahlaya, south of Idlib city.

A convoy of the Ahrar al-Sham rebel faction en route to Aleppo Province to bolster lines against the Islamic State