Turkey Concerned Over PUK’s Support for PKK  – Ankara has raised concerns over PUK’s media outlets, saying they are serving PKK’s interests

6 Apr 2017 – Karzan Hawrami – SULAYMANIYAH — Turkey is concerned with the Patriotic Union Party (PUK) media outlets over their support for Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK), and this has influenced the relations between Turkey and the Kurdistan Region.  Aydin Maruf, the head of the Turkmen bloc in the Kurdistan Region parliament, told BasNews that gloomy relations between Turkey and PUK will lead to a decline in the ties of Kurdistan Region with Turkey.  

All parties in Kurdistan Region, therefore, need to consider establishing their relations with neighbouring countries based on mutual interests, he urges.”The Kurdish parties in the Kurdistan Region need to carefully deal with PKK since it is not representing the Kurdish population, and PUK should consider the relations between Kurdistan Region and Turkey as its media should avoid serving PKK’s agenda” Maruf said. Speaking to BasNews, Zana Abulrahman, former PUK journalist and member of Kurdistan Region parliament, said “I don’t know how Turkey is interpreting our media coverage”.He said that PUK media supports northern and western Kurdistan as part of PUK’s Kurdish nationalism rather than supporting a specific party like PKK. PUK respects Turkey’s concerns and it has the politburo and the relations office to officially deal with such issues, he added.