MESOP : NO PKK TAKEOVER IN SHINGAL / KDP official blames PKK, asks party to leave Shingal
7-9-2014 – Kurdpress – A member of the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) asked for unity among Kurds but blamed the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and asked the party fighters to leave Shingal.
Shingal is a city in northern Iraq that fell to the control of the militants of the Islamic State (IS) in July but was later released in cooperation between the PKK forces and the Kurdish forces of Peshmerga. Himen Hawrami told Rudaw that the KDP does not have any problem with what he called the nationalist wing in the party but “the problem is with the wing that does not believe in nationalism.” He further said the KDP should know both wings in the PKK. Answering about Shingal’s occupation by the IS militants, Hawrami said the city is a part of Kurdistan Region and the PKK is better to leave the city and free Turkey Kurdish regions. He ultimately warn any KDP failure will harm the whole of the Kurdish region and cautioned about any plot against the KDP, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Gorran (Change Movement), three main parties of the region, will hurt Kurds.