MESOP NEWS : Salih Muslim (PYD) travels freely around Europe / Supported by previously in East Germany founded LEFTPARTY


WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA)  – 4 March 2018 – Ahval News – Salih Muslim, former chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a Kurdish political party that controls much of north-eastern Syria, gave a speech Saturday at a Berlin rally, reports Turkish Cumhuriyet Newspaper. Also speaking at the rally, organized by organized by PYD supporters, was Left Party Federal deputy Tobias Pflüger.

Salih travelled to Berlin after being released last week in Prague, where Czech authorities had detained him as he attended a conference there.

Turkish authorities, which consider the PYD to be a terrorist organisation and had placed Salih on their most wanted list, had requested his arrest and extradition. However, a Czech court decided that it was unnecessary to keep Salih in custody.

The apparent ease with which Salih is able to travel around Europe is unlikely to please Ankara, which has long urged European countries to take a tougher line against groups that Turkey considers to be terrorist organisations, among them the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) which it says has links to the PYD.

The Turkish Foreign ministry had already criticized the decision to release Salih, saying in a statement, “The decision of the Czech court does not correspond with the Czech judiciary’s responsibilities with the international law and combating terror.”   AHVAL NEWS