Russia Emphasizes the Involvement of Kurds in Intra-Syria Talks

Basnews English –  08/09/2017 – ERBIL — Russian President’s special envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov, has reaffirmed the importance the presence of Syrian Kurds in the talks on peace settlement in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

Bogdanov met with a delegation from the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS), led by the council’s chairman Ibrahim Biro on Thursday.”In the course of the conversation, the interlocutors exchanged opinions on the military and political situation taking shape in Syria and made accent on the prospects for its stabilization on the basis of the UN Security Council resolution 2254,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry as reported by TASS agency.

“The Russian side confirmed its support for the efforts to form a single delegation of the Syrian opposition for talks with the delegation of the Syrian government under the UN aegis,” the report said.

“Along with it, the Russian envoy highlighted the importance of the Syrian Kurds’ full-fledged representation in the inclusive inter-Syrian dialogue aimed at an earliest possible attaining of a political settlement in Syria in the interests of all the ethnic and religious groups of Syrian society, as well as the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country,” the ministry said.