Putin Talks Syria & Nuclear Deal in Tehran

By Scott Lucas – eaworldview – November 2, 2017 – Visiting Tehran on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin has strongly backed Iran over the July 2015 nuclear agreement, and hailed cooperation with the Islamic Republic over Syria’s conflict.During a trilateral summit which also included the Azerbaijani leader, Putin was received by the Supreme Leader and held discussions with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. According to Ayatollah Khamenei’s office, Putin told the Supreme Leader that Moscow opposes “any unilateral change” to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: “We oppose linking Iran’s nuclear program with other issues, including defensive issues.”

The statement was a response to Donald Trump’s denunciation of the “embarrassment” of the deal, including his decertification of Iranian compliance on October 13. The Trump Administration has announced sanctions on the Revolutionary Guards, and has said that it wants to renegotiate the accord to including Iran’s ballistic missile testing.Addressing Syria, Putin praised cooperation with Iran as “very productive”, declaring that Moscow and Tehran are “managing to coordinate our positions on the Syrian issue”.

There were no details beyhond that assertion, including on the differing views of Russia and Iran towards opposition-held areas such as Idlib Province in northwest Syria. Moscow is pushing “de-escalation zones” throughout the country, and looking for political talks through a “people’s congress” that would limit the main opposition to Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad.

Despite formally joining Russia in the initiativies, Iran is wary of any arrangement in which the opposition and rebels retain control of parts of Syria.

Rouhani said on Wednesday that cooperation between Tehran and Moscow is necessary to “bring stability and peace to Syria” and to “fight against regional terrorism”. Meanwhile, Khamenei proclaimed:Full resolution of Syria’s crisis needs strong cooperation between Iran and Russia….Our cooperation can isolate America….This cooperation will restore stability in the region.

The Supreme Leader continued: The failure of the American alliance in support of terrorists in Syria is an undeniable fact, but they are still engaged in plotting and conspiracy. Thus, the full resolution of the Syrian issue needs sustained, firm cooperation….

The good combination and the cooperative resistance of Tehran and Moscow against the sedition and corruption of terrorists in Syria is significant, and it has made Russia an influential player in the Western Asia region.