Iranian general says Kurdish independence referendum ‘a US plot’

ARA NEWS  19 Aug 2017 – Iranian Brigadier General Naqdi, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ (IRGC) deputy commander, said that the Kurdistan independence referendum is a new plot by the United States. Naqdi’s statement came during a visit to the Kurdish town of Paveh in western Iran.

“The Americans have come up with a new scheme to cause a rift among Muslims and kill more people in the region as Takfiri terrorists are suffering heavy defeats in Iraq and Syria and nearing their end,” he said, according to the Tasnim News Agency.General Naqdi warned that “arrogant powers” should know if they cause further bloodshed in the Muslim world, it would yield no results other than creating a stronger army of Islam against them.Calling on Washington to learn from its “past mistakes”, the IRGC commander stressed that “the days of Americans and Israelis are numbered.”.“We are continuing to work with the Peshmerga in the same way that we have in the past,” coalition spokesperson Colonel Ryan Dillon said on Wednesday.