MESOP NEWS LATEST : 30000 PKK/PYD YPG forces taking part in Raqqa operation / Equipment payed by United States


8 June 2017 – KURDPRESS – CNN stated in a report that 30000 fighters of the Syrian Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG), which includes half of the forces, have left northern Syria to participate in the ongoing operation against the Islamic State (IS) in Raqqa.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started its operation on Tuesday June 6 to liberate Raqqa in northern Syria. According to the reports some parts of the city was liberated in the first day of the operation.

CNN TV reported that the YPG which enjoys the advantages of having 60000 forces has sent 30000 forces to Raqqa. According to the report some 50000 Kurdish and Arab forces, some 20000 fighters, are participating in the operation.It is also estimated that some 3000 IS militants are attempting not to allow the US-led coalition and the SDF fighters to enter the city. There are also fears that the IS could use the 10000 civilians now living in the city as human shields against the SDF and its fighters.