MESOP NEWS : KURDS IN TURKEY PRO KURDISH INDEPENDENCE – Conference Held in Istanbul on Kurdistan’s Independence Referendum

NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) – 11 Sept 2017 – MESOP  – ISTANBUL — A number of Kurdish academics, journalists and politicians gathered together on Sunday in the Turkish city of Istanbul to participate in a conference organized by the Initiative to Support the Independence Referendum.The conference had the purpose to focus on the upcoming independence referendum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, scheduled for the 25th of September.

Among the people who participated at the event were many politicians and influential people from Turkey and the Kurdistan Region, including Muna Kahveci, Vice President of the Turkmen Reform Party, Hosyar Seweli from the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan (PDK), Prof. Dr. Vahap Çoşkun, Prof. Dr. Yashar Abdulselamoglu and others. The conference followed a previous one held in the city of Izmir in eastern Turkey, the day before. The event in Izmir began with a minute of silence in honour of all martyrs of Kurdistan, followed by the Kurdistan anthem.Among the people who delivered a speech were PAK Chairman Mustafa Özçelik, PSK Chairman Mesut Tek, ÖSP Chairman Sinana Çiftyürek and Prof. Dr. Yaşar Abdülselamoğlu.

The initiative aims to show support for the independence referendum and point out the positive outcomes of establishing an independent Kurdistan.