7 January 2018: Workers in Iran Issue Joint Statement Demanding Release of Recently Detained Protesters

by missionfreeiran ⋅ January 7, 2018 ⋅  – Workers’ organizations in Iran have issued a new joint statement demanding the release of all political prisoners in Iran, and explicitly those protesters who have been recently detained. The full text in Farsi appears below; a summary of this statement is presented in English:

The crackdown on, and detention of, students and demonstrators will only reinforce the labor movement, and encourage the people to fight for freedom.

We believe that the labor movement is a segment of society that has risen to make big changes for a more humane society in Iran. We caution the authorities not to repeat the atrocity which took place at Kahrizak detention center in 2009, we demand freedom for all political prisoners in Iran, and the immediate release of those protesters who have been recently detained.

Union of Free Workers in Iran

Organization of Electrical and Metal Trades (Guild)

Alborz Painters’ Syndicate

Association for Defending Workers Rights

Committee to Pursuit the Right of Labor Organization

7 January 2018