MESOP NEWS : ERDOGAN’S NON-ADVANCE IN AFRIN – SOHR Deems Turkish Army Attack on Afrin as Failure – BY Yassin Hassan

27/01/2018 – 15:46 – Head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) believes that the Turkish army will not be successful in entering Afrin, a Kurdish city in northern Syria.Osama Suleiman, founder and head of SOHR told DW News/Arabic “Despite the fact that the Turkish army is strong, it will fail to invade Afrin because facing the Kurdish fighters is not that easy”- Suleiman further revealed that even though the war is ongoing in ten units in the city, the Turkish troops have not made any advances to enter the town, therefore he added, “Turkey will not succeed in Afrin like it didn’t in the Kurdish city of northern Syria, Kobane, early in 2015.”