MESOP : NEW BATTLES / OLD ENEMIES – Clashes Between Shiite Militia and Peshmerga Near Kirkuk
18.10.2014 – Hoshmand Sadiq – BasNews, Erbil – In Duzkhurmatu – a town in Salahaddin province in northern Iraq clashes have taken place between the members of the Shiite Badr militia and Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
The sides are meeting to address the issues between them. According to information obtained by BasNews, Peshmerga forces fired on a Badr militia vehicle in Duzkhurmatu area for not stopping at a Peshmerga checkpoint, leading to clashes.One Peshmerga and two Badr militia were injured, said a source to BasNews.An eyewitness confirmed the events to BasNews, but was unable to confirm whether anyone has been injured. “The two sides are holding a meeting to resolve the issue,” said the source. To gather more information, BasNews contacted the Secretary General of the Peshmerga Ministry Jabar Yawar, but he said that he is unaware of the situation. “If there is anything, we will let you know,” said Yawar.