MEMRI DISPATCH 5-11-22 – Iran-backed media outlets have largely celebrated Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s October 30 victory over Jair Bolsonaro in the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections. After president-elect Da Silva – known as Lula – narrowly defeated incumbent President Bolsonaro in the runoff election, Iran-backed militias touted Lula as an ally of the “Axis of Resistance,” a regional conglomerate of state and non-state actors aligned with Iran. “Lula Defeats America While Wearing A Keffiyeh”On October 31, 2022, a Telegram channel affiliated with the Iran-backed militias in Iraq posted a historical photo showing Lula visiting with Palestinian leaders and wearing a Keffiyeh. “The Brazilian leftist (Lula da Silva) defeats America while wearing a Keffiyeh,” the channel wrote. In a short post, the channel described outgoing President Bolsonaro as “a friend of America and Israel,” and thus declared that Lula’s victory is not in the “West’s interest.” “The leftist victory is not in the interest of the West (America, Europe) and its supporters,” the channel commented, continuing, “[The victory] is in the interest of Venezuela and its President Maduro, Columbia – whose elections the leftist president Gustavo Petro won – and in the interest of Brazil in the new world. With Brazil being a country that is a permanent member of the BRICS states, this political ascension suits global changes.” U.S. Organized Street Protests Against LulaOn November 2, 2022, one Telegram channel posted a historical photo showing Lula shaking hands with Iranian Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Commenting on news that Bolsonaro supporters were protesting for the Brazilian military to arrest Lula, the channel accused the U.S. of orchestrating popular street protests against Lula, who it described as being “close to the Axis of Resistance and a supporter of the Palestinian issue.” |