Socialist leader: Kurds should withdraw from Iraqi govt and declare independence
HEWLÊR-Erbil, Kurdistan region ‘Iraq’,— The head of Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party in Iraq’s Kurdistan region stated the withdrawal of the Iraqi Kurds from Baghdad is inevitable and the Kurds should prepare themselves for independence. Muhammad Haji Mahmoud told Golan weekly in Erbil that there is no Kurdish participation in the Iraqi government and the actions of Sunni and Shiite factions are in such a way that Iraq has been divided into three party, adding that the lines have clearly demanded the Kurds in Iraq to leave Iraq. He added that due to the situation now and the ties between Erbil and Baghdad it is necessary for Kurds to leave Iraq and agree on holding an independence referendum and declaring independence, reiterating that the region can defend its interests after declaring independence as it has Peshmerga forces.