MESOP FOCUS : Barzani Reasserts Independence in His Newroz Message / KRG is firmly working on a reform plan to overcome the financial crisis, Barzani says

Sardar Sattar . BasNews – 20 March 2016 – ERBIL — Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani has released a statement to mark the Kurdish new year [Newroz] and ensure the people of Kurdistan Region that the security and financial crisis will soon end.  On March 20, Barzani sent his congratulations to the people of Kurdistan, especially the family of Kurdish Peshmerga martyrs. Barzani said this year Kurds are celebrating Newroz while the Kurdistan Region is facing the greatest threat and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are sacrificing themselves to defend their people against the Islamic State (IS).“

I would like to extend my congratulations to every Kurd in other parts of Kurdistan,” reads the statement. “We hope they resolve their issues through a peaceful process and dialogue.”

Barzani expresses his concerns over the prolonging military conflicts across the Turkish Kurdistan, urging the sides to end the clashes and find a peaceful solution to their disputes.

Regarding the Syrian Kurdistan, the Kurdish official reiterated his support for the implementation of a federal system in Syrian Kurdistan. However, he insists the new plan may succeed only if the Syrian factions and parties reach a comprehensive consensus upon the case.Concerning the political crisis in the region and the disputes pertaining to the position of Kurdistan Region Presidency, Barzani explained that some of the political parties have failed to concentrate on the solution of the crisis and they have been trying to widen the gaps only. “I, once again, ask the Kurdish political parties to either prepare a presidential election, or agree on a person to take the position, or they can allow the situation to continue until the next presidential election in 2017,” said Barzani. “The Kurdistan Region Parliament must be reactivated and a new board of presidency should be elected for the parliament; The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) must also establish a new cabinet.”

Barzani ensured the people of Kurdistan Region that the current financial crisis, caused by the war against IS, sinking oil prices and the financial disputes with Baghdad, will soon end as the KRG is implementing a drastic reform plan to fight the hardship. Recalling centuries of Kurdish sacrifices, Barzani stressed out that they must finally decide upon their future while the Iraqi central government, even now, is attempting to ignore Kurds in the political process of the country. “Kurds seek independence through a peaceful process and dialogues, therefore, we are planning to discuss the independence referendum with Iraqi officials seriously,” Barzani said.