Rêveberya Xweserya Demoqratîk Encûmena Cîbicîker a Kantona Cizîrê – sûrî Serokatiya Encûmena Cîbicîker

 Public Statement for the International Community – 4 June 2016

We are in the Democratic Self-Administration areas in Rojava – Syria live since couple of years under an economic crisis as a result of the attacks, which we are exposed form the Islamic State and other radical Islamic organizations and under different titles, the situation of embargo imposed on us by the authoritarian of the Syria regime and terrorist organizations from the one hand, and by the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Democratic party in Iraq, on the other hand.

However, these difficulties lead to a lack of food, medicines, milk and other. Beside of, the lack of possibilities, there are seven camps in Rojava some of them are refugees from Iraq cities (Shengal, Mosul and Anbar) and others camps for the displaced from other cities of Syria Raqqa, Shadadi , Aleppo , Idleb and other areas of Syria who seek for safe area , the number is increased now, especially after the last waves of refugees who came from Mare, Raqqa , and north Aleppo countryside . Unfortunately, we in Rojava cannot present more help for them, because of the lack of opportunities and possibilities in all our Cantons “ Afrin , Kobani and Al-jazeera “ .

We in general coordination committee of the Democratic Self-Administration in Rojava – Syria as humanitarian duty Despite the tragic circumstances which we live, we provide all necessary to serve these people , we are ready to receive more too if it’s necessary, but our capabilities are not enough to provide services to this huge number of displaced people. therefore , we call the international community , the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and humanitarian organizations, as part of the duty to help us in Syria in general and Rojava region in particular and present humanitarian relief in order to reduce the suffering of the refugees and displaced who are living under difficulties circumstance .

General coordination committee of the Democratic Self-Administration Rojava – Syria – Friday 03 Jun 2016