MESOP “ARA NEWS” : PYD/PKK want expel Kurdish KNC delegation from Geneva – PKK STALINISM

The PYD recently put more pressure on the KNC after a group of ‘martyr families’ issued a complaint at the Qamishli court against KNC-leaders Ibrahim Biro, Fuad Aliko, and Abdulhakim Bashar who are attending the Geneva talks for allegations of “offending the martyrs” and “insulting the Rojava revolution”. The KNC rejected the complaint as an attempt of ‘political assassination’ in a statement released on Sunday.

So far, both the Syrian opposition and the regime have rejected any form of federalism. “The Syrian opposition missed a golden opportunity to include the Kurds in the revolution three years ago,” Joseph Bahout, a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington, told ARA News. “It is too late now. They see the main problem as ‘cultural’, they cannot think in terms of diversity. Now, they will accept what is offered, forced and constrained,” he added.“It is the same with the Alawis, they refuse to admit that there are sectarian fears. Now the US-Russian solution will impose an Alawi enclave on them,” he said. “What’s more serious is the opposition’s inability to imagine a historical compromise with the Kurds. They talk of this question like the regime,” he told ARA News.