KDPI: Boycotting Iranian Parliamentary Election “The Best Option for Kurds”

Some Kurdish candidates have dropped out of the race for the interest of the Iranian government, KDPI politburo member says

Sharif Falah – Bas News 22 Feb 2016 – KDPI says boycotting Iranian legislative election is the best option for Kurds KDPI says boycotting Iranian legislative election is the best option… Supplied

ERBIL — While a parliamentary election is scheduled on the upcoming Friday in Iran, the Iranian Kurdish opposition parties insist that Boycotting the polls is “the best option for Iranian Kurds.”

BasNews has learned that scores of Kurdish candidates have dropped out of   the Iranian parliamentary election despite receiving approval from the Iranian Guardian Council of the Constitution. A Politburo Member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) told BasNews that the candidates have quit the race for the interest of the Iranian government. Taymour Mostafayi insists that the Iranian conservative faction has ordered these Kurdish candidates to withdraw and open the path for other candidates to enter the Iranian parliament.Additionally, Mostafayi says, KDPI has indirectly demanded some Kurdish candidates to quit the race as an objection to the whole process in the country.   The Kurdish official believes that the Iranian Kurds are not very much enthusiastic for this round of election in Iran; “but the government is still attempting to highlight issues pertaining to nationality in hopes of encouraging people to take part in the polls.”Mostafayi said that the Iranian Kurdish opposition parties, except one of them, have boycotted the Iranian parliamentary elections which is “the best option for Kurds.” BasNews has learned that the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which has separated from KDPI and established a new party, is, unlike other Iranian Kurdish oppositions, encouraging Kurds inside Iran to take part in the election. www.mesop.de