Exclusive Interview From Syria With German Jihadi Abu Talha Al-Almani, Formerly Rapper Deso Dogg
On December 8, 2013, the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) released an exclusive video interview with the German jihadi Abu Talha Al-Almani, formerly rapper Deso Dogg, who is currently in Syria. Abu Talha, who converted to Islam several years ago, has been in Syria for several months and was recently wounded in an air strike. This video, titled “Feiger Anschlag –Gezielte Antwort” (“Cowardly Attack – Deliberate Answer”), is the first interview with him since his arrival in Syria. He speaks in German and his statements are subtitled in English. The following are the main points of the interview.
The Journey From Germany To Syria
Speaking about his hijra (emigration) from Germany to Syria and the motives behind it, Abu Talha states that he wanted to emigrate since his youth but was not sure where to go. He says that he feels he made the right decision and chose the right time to join the jihad in Syria. Explaining why he has been out of contact for nearly a year, he explains that he and other brothers from Millatu-Ibrahim were busy preparing for the trip to Syria. They set out in several groups and did not want information to leak to the “infidels”, so they maintained secrecy as far as possible. Abu Talha adds that he himself made the trip alone, and spent much of his time studying Koran, writing nasheeds (religious songs) and doing “everything needed [to prepare] for this path, which is not as easy as many think.” He says he received a warm welcome upon his arrival in Syria.
Information On Life In Syria For Muslims Who Want To Come ThereDescribing the life of the mujahideen in Syria, Abu Talha states that he lives in a villa on the edge of the battlefield. There is running water but the power supply is intermittent, so they use generators. The fighters sleep on mattresses on the floor. Encouraging Muslims who want to come with their families, he says: “Come, we have enough houses here. And, if not, it’s [always] possible to rent or to buy a house. There are enough means [for people] to sustain themselves, and, praise Allah, the brothers support [us] with everything we need and find useful. There is enough food here. We have kitchens, bathrooms, everything an individual or a family needs.” He states that the men should come to Syria first, rent a house, and only then bring their families, but emphasizes that they must not leave their families behind in the land of the infidels. He adds that there are enough activities to occupy the women and children in their spare time. Abu Talha also encourages women to come to Syria, stressing that they are better off living in a Muslim country, and that they can make a significant contribution in Syria: “I advise the sisters [to] emigrate… Ask your brothers or fathers to get you out [of the lands of the infidels]… Emigrate, for many sisters here in this land are contributing a lot and doing much good. There is a lot of work to be done here. You don’t have to fight if you do not want to. You don’t have to fight, but at least make some contribution, [for] this is an obligation… There is always something to do, even if you only take care of your families or of the mujahideen here.” Addressing men who are staying home due to lack of money, he advises them to save their social security checks for two or three months and to collect some donations, stressing that lack of funds is no reason to stay away from jihad: “Just emigrate. Take your money, sell whatever you don’t need, pack your bags and go.” To those who make excuses he says: “My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, every grown and sound man is able to emigrate [to the lands of jihad].” As for men who do not wish to fight, Abu Talha scolds them, but adds that they should come to Syria anyway, because they can help in other ways: “My dear brothers and sisters, first of all, if you are unable to carry a gun… because you do not wish to die or fight, know that death will reach you wherever you are… [However,] my dear brothers and sisters, [know that] you don’t necessarily have to come here to fight… We [also] need carpenters, masons, glaziers, doctors, mechanics, cameramen, heart surgeons… Praise Allah, there is enough work to be done. Streets need to be cleared and new houses built. Many cities are in ruins and need to be rebuilt. So come here and support this country… [And] not only this country, but any country where Muslims are being fought and their lands are being destroyed. They are in need of your help.” Addressing those who want to study about jihad before coming to Syria, Abu Talha rebukes them for the weakness of their faith, and adds that they can do their studying in Syria, for there are Koran schools, lectures and computers. “Come [join] us and learn whatever you have not yet learned,” he says. “You can learn it here just like in Germany… There are many places where no fighting is going on, and there are many places to live. There are markets, and you will find everything [you need] to live a normal life.” He also reiterates that Muslims are better off in a Muslim country – any Muslim country – than they are in the lands of the infidels, where they are “treated like slaves and dogs”: “[Even] if you don’t want to wage jihad, emigrate to a country where conditions are more Islamic. It is better for you to live there than among the infidels… I can only advise you to read the Koran and reconsider your intentions… I believe Allah wants you to live in a country where Islam and the shari’a are established… Therefore leave, look for a better place… Turkey has Islamic conditions, go there first and then look further… You [can] go to Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco or Libya… My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, know that the countries of the infidels are no place for Muslims… They treat you like their slaves and dogs. So if you want to be free, look for your freedom. Praise Allah, He gave you legs, arms and a head. [So] go!” Abu Talha also counsels European Muslims to learn Arabic, so that they can read the Koran, and also so they can communicate with the locals if they choose to come to Syria. On the question of how much money to bring to Syria, he advises lone emigrants to take only enough funds to pay for the trip, because, once they reach Syria, they will be provided for. He adds: “As for clothes, take whatever you need and whatever will help you survive in a land where not everything is available. For example, [take] head torches, shoes and a warm jacket.” To men coming with their family, he says: “If you are [coming] with your family, you should know what you need. You need enough money [to provide] for your wife and children and [to pay for] accommodation.” About The FSAAsked about rumors that he has joined Free Syrian Army (FSA), Abu Talha replies: “I joined the Free Syrian Mujahideen, not the Free Syrian Army. If you do some research on the FSA you will discover that one of their principles… is accepting democracy, and democracy is not something we strive for… Let me repeat directly: I am not a member of the FSA. I am with the mujahideen… [I stress this] so that the brothers and sisters don’t wonder and say that I belong to some [group] of people who engage in heresy and are criminals. No. Also, I do not work for the Americans…” Abu Talha advises Muslims to stay away from the American, French and German armies and from the FSA, because they all work together. He recommends that they stay away from all the groups that are not following the Koran and the Sunna. Abu Talha also denies the claim that some German mujahideen, including himself, have persecuted Christians in Syria. He explains that the mujahideen’s goal in Syria is not to “hunt Christians” and that the people in the Christian villages welcome them with open arms. About Abu Ibrahim Al-Almani And Abu Usama Al-GharibAbout German jihadi Abu Ibraheem Al-Almani, who is fighting in Waziristan, and his brother, Abu Adam Al-Almani, Abu Talha says: “We are colleagues, and I want to tell you, [Abu Ibraheem and Abu Adam], that I love you for the sake of Allah even though I have never seen you… My dear brothers in Islam, the brothers and sisters in Waziristan, know that we share the same pain and worries. Our prayers and our goals are the same. We [belong of the same] ranks, though we are far from each other, and we will be successful! May Allah grant us success, whether through martyrdom or victory… And the infidels shall all burn in the hellfire.” Addressing Austrian jihadi sheikh Abu Usama Al-Gharib, aka Muhammad Mahmoud, the leader of Millatu-Ibrahim who is currently imprisoned in Turkey, Abu Talha says passionately, with tears in his voice: “Brother, be steadfast! We are [waging] jihad! My honored brother and sheikh… my comrade and fellow-fighter, know that we will continue the jihad until Allah gives us martyrdom. And if we are able and Allah is willing, we shall have the opportunity to free you. This is the test that Allah has [chosen] for you. When we founded Millatu-Ibrahim we swore we would give everything – our wives, children, mothers, property, life and freedom! My brother, don’t be sad. Be happy that Allah [chose] this for you.” Abu Talha concludes by saying: “May Allah cast Bashar Al-Assad into the deepest corner of hell because this pig is a criminal who must be removed… The so-called helpers of the world, the Americans, are not taking care of him, so we will take care of him. Everyone who supports him should know that he will come under our sword… Praise Allah, I will continue my work… And know, my sisters and brothers in Islam, and also the infidels, that this injury [that I sustained in the air strike] will not hinder me from my path.” |