28.6.2013 – In the Kurdish-dominated town of Amuda in Syria’s Hassaka province members of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) opened fire on a protestkilling at least three peopleand wounding 10 others. Demonstrators were protesting the detention of three Kurdish activists by the PYD, who said they were arrested for drug dealing.

The PYD has taken responsibility for security in Amuda since regime forces withdrew in July 2012. Since then, Kurdish anti-Assad activists have accused the PYD of collaborating with the regime. Meanwhile, in an interview with the Financial Times, Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy Kadri Jamil showed little concern for crippling western sanctions and Syria’s financial crisis, citing significant foreign support. He said, “It’s not that bad to have behind you the Russians, the Chinese, and Iranians. Those three countries are helping us politically, militarily — and also economically.”