WEST KURDISTAN / Document: Follow Up Committee Formed For Kurdish Interim Administration
Form a Committee to follow up the work of the General Council to the interim joint administration Form a Committee to follow up the work of the General Council to the interim joint ad
Saturday, 16 November 2013 – hawarnews – Qamchlo – morning yesterday the meeting of a monitoring body on the completion of the draft joint interim administration in the presence of all members of the Commission in the hills of Qamchlo and the formation of a Committee to follow up the work of the General Council to the joint interim administration
As it was in the meeting discussed several points, including the functions and powers of the body to the exit made a statement to Public opinion at the end of the meeting
Those who attended the meeting agreed on the formation of a small committee composed of 19 members, including all the components of the region and segments of society Where was the distribution of seats on the Commission on the following form: 12 seats across the components of the island’s 6 participation of women, as well as 3 and 4 seats for theKoubanyThe Afrin seats to the participation of the official spokesman of the Commission.
This will be the task of this Committee to formulate the General covenants and put it to the Board for ratification
Also at the meeting took the decision that accession to the body open to all components, parties, organizations and individuals that have not yet done so.
The meeting ended with a press conference and issued a statement to the public on behalf of the follow-up project management shared the progress ‘ to complement the work of the General Council to the interim joint administration areas (Island – uppalapati – Afrin) held a follow-up to the interim joint administration project first meeting of 15/11/13 11: 00 am. The statement noted that the meeting brought together the essential components in the region of Kurds and Arabs and Chechen and who represent most of the political parties and civil society institutions and independent personalities Committee was elected consisting of 19 members of the mission 1. the drafting of the interim joint administration.5
2. preparation of the sociacontract .
. 3 – set up an electoral system. The statement noted that all members of the Board stressed their keenness to move ‘ steadily in all phases of the project to reach the stage of elections, to the aspirations of the peoples of the region and to strengthen the historic links between them through joint management. The statement stressed that compatibility between all is a strengthening of security and stability and to fill the administrative vacuum and service and security, will be the largest response to all the sounds that emerged distort the cultural and historical area, and modified it to Kurds, and abort it because it holds a separatist intentions, and in this regard stresses that the project does not have any agenda that seeks to split the Syrian, on the contrary, this project is a part of the solution through a democratic, pluralistic, participatory model through put , And is the basis for unity between all the components of the Syrian nationalist and religiously diverse, which is a rich cultural and civilized to Syria the future’.:..
Posted 7 hours ago by Wladimir van Wilgenburg