This week we took a hard look at Syria’s National Coalition, in the wake of Istanbul talks. we went Inside the Opposition Talks in Turkey. We heard perspectives from the ground as Syrians React to ‘Immature’ Opposition Leaders and featured an item from The National that examined whether the Syrian National Coalition is on the Brink of Collapse.
Barak Barfi of the New America Foundation shed light on The Precipitous Rise of Jihad, Inc, while our weekly Social Media Buzz looked at reactions to Senator John McCain in Syria and Moaz Khatib’s Failed Facebook Diplomacy.
In partner content, we joined in for The Guardian’s User Q&A on Syria. Our Executive Editor Lara Setrakian hosted a session called Safeguarding Syria at the World Economic Forum in Jordan.
As always, to help you review, here’s our day-to-day roundup of Syria headlines last week:
Monday: Fighting Rages Amid Reports of Chemical Attacks; Rockets Raise Fear that Syria’s Conflict Has Crossed into Beirut
Tuesday: Medics Treat Rebels for ‘Symptoms of Chemical Exposure’; EU Ends Weapons Embargo, Creating Path to Arming Rebels
Wednesday: Rebels Condemn Opposition Coalition; EU Repeal of Arms Embargo Criticized; Israel Warns Russia Over Arms Delivery
Thursday: Opposition Admits Liberals to Widen Coalition; Peace Talks in Jeopardy as Both Sides Entrench Positions; Russian Missiles Arrive in Syria
Friday: Fighters Reinforce Rebels Units in Qusayr; Assad Warns Israel Against Air Strikes; UN Blacklists Jabhat al-Nusra