Turkish troops fire across Syria border, kill Kurd: activists
October 02, 2012 AFP – 3.10.2012 – BEIRUT: Turkish troops fired across the Syrian border on Tuesday, killing a member of a Kurdish militia and wounding two others in the first such fatal shooting at the Turkish frontier, a watchdog reported. “The three Kurds, members of a Kurdish militia hostile to the Damascus regime but also wary of the rebellion, were patrolling the border in (Syria’s) Hasaka province when they were hit by Turkish army fire from the other side,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.
“This was the first fatal shooting at the Turkish border,” he added.
The incident occurred in in the Derbassiyeh region of the northwest province of Hasaka, according to the Britain-based Observatory. The monitoring group said that the Kurds were members of the YPG, or “units for the protection of the people,” a militia close to the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).