Which Kurds will win? – Hurriyet Daily News- There is a detailed analysis in the Summer 2012 issue of Turkish Policy Quarterly with title “Turkey’s Dramatic Shift Toward Iraqi Kurdistan,” by Matthew Bryza, an American diplomat experienced in energy-security issues in Eurasia….
Taming Islamist Turkey – FrontPage – Megalomania in the Middle East is not uncommon; it has afflicted numerous figures in the Muslim Middle East including the likes of Gamal Abdul Nasser, the dictator of Egypt, Iranian Shah Muhammad Pahlavi and Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein. The current regional megalomaniac is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey who has been acting like “God’s deputy” and “dispenser of justice” with unrestrained arrogance. Amid mounting troubles, with a declining economy and the political turmoil that surrounds Turkey, Syria and Iran, Erdogan’s star power is rapidly fading….
Erdogan calls for unity between Turks and Kurds – The National – Recep Tayyip Erdogan used a visit to Turkey’s Kurdish region yesterday to call for unity between Turks and Kurds, amid speculation that the prime minister is about to start a new initiative to solve the long-running Kurdish conflict…
Watchdog Slams Turkey’s Press Freedom – The Wall Street Journal – Another month, another damning report on press freedom in Turkey. Ankara on Monday received the latest in an increasingly long line of critical reports lambasting the country’s poor press freedom record; this time by the New York–based media watchdog, the Committee to Protect Journalists…