TODAY’S KURDISTAN SHORT CUTS (Click Headlines for Full Texts)
Syria’s Kurds face uncertain future if Assad falls – The Guardian – The quarrel began when a young Arab called Mohammad drove up to a Kurdish checkpoint. The Kurdish fighters manning it beat him up. Bruised, angry and humiliated, Mohammad gathered up a group of armed friends. There was a shootout; Mohammad, his brother and three others were killed. Three Kurds also died. Both sides agreed a truce….
The upheavals in ME and their impact on the Kurds – Jerusalem Post – Parallel to the popular revolutions in the Arab states there was a quiet revolution in the Kurdish lands in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. In fact the upheavals in the Arab world were a catalyst for things which had been brewing in the Kurdish lands for two decades…
Why Turkey wants Kurdish oil – Hurriyet Daily News – There are two types of countries in the world – those in which you get to your email as soon as you turn on your smart phone at the airport and those in which you do not. Arbil’s sleek International Airport in northern Iraq puts its country in the first type. It is part of our civilization…