Pro-PYD News Agency Compares KRG Experience With Syria – Comparing West to South Kurdistan.

Posted by Wladimir van Wilgenburg /

YPG Thanks Kurdish Parties For Efrin Support

YPG thanks all Kurdish parties apart from Azadi (Freedom Party). Also thanks KDP-funded parties Yekiti and Al-Parti for their support in Efrin. Moreover, the YPG claims that the recent fighting was a plot by Turkey, since Liwa al-Tawheed is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and supported by Turkey. But if I understand it well, they also blame Syrian state.

Posted by Wladimir van Wilgenburg /

Qandil Areas Reject Interference

    “We reject all forms of interference in the affairs of western Kurdistan, and strongly condemn and deplore the decision of South Kurdistan Regional Government to close the border crossing with western Kurdistan.”

Turkish FM Fears Manipulation Of Turkish Public Opinion

    DOĞU’DAN GELEN MANİPÜLASYON: En büyük yanılgı, Türk kamuoyunda Doğu kaynaklı manipülasyonun bu kadar etkili olabileceğini düşünemezdim. 3 günde Kuzey Suriye’de Kürt devleti doğuyor diye korku yayıldı. Reyhanlı’nın mülteciler tarafından yapıldığı iddia edildi. En son, Jandarma belgeleri diye bir şeyde, bir anda Twitter üzerinden manipülasyon yapıldı. Reyhanlı faili meçhul değil ki; yapanlar yakalandı.

    My biggest error was that I did not think the manipulation of the East could have such an influence on the Turkish public opinion. On the third day, the country was taken by the fear that a Kurdish state was being established in northern Syria. It was alleged that [Syrian] refugees were responsible for the Reyhanli attack. The last act of manipulation was conducted on Twitter based on something called the Gendarmerie reports. Reyhanli is not an unsolved case. The perpetrators have been caught.