Armenian Teacher Murdered in Istanbul – 11.1.2013 – İlker Şahin (40), an IT teacher at one of Istanbul’s Armenian elementary schools, was found dead in his apartment with his throat cut on Tuesday evening.

This mornings, the body was discovered by Şahin’s co-workers who had become concerned about his whereabouts. “He had been living alone in the apartment and could not be reached by telephone for the past three days,” a co-worker said. The victim resided in Istanbul’s Kadikoy district and had a daughter.

The murder took place in victim’s apartment in Sivastopol Street, Caferaga, with traces of blood stains and a long struggle for survival.

“The victim sent a mass text celebrating a merry Christmas,” the police reported.

3 previous incidents on Armenians last month

* On December 28, Maritsa Küçük (84) was found stabbed to death in her Samatya apartment where she was living alone for years.

* In early December, another woman (87) with Armenian descendant was found battered in her Samatya apartment. She was hospitalized for two week and lost vision in one of her eyes.

* On January 6, the Apostolic Christmas, another woman with Armenian origin was saved from 3 individuals who attempted to kidnap her. While the suspects have not be caught, locals said the suspects tried to deceive the victim over a payment issues. (NV)