“Ana Gomes (S & D, PT) asked why there are problems relating to the rights of the people and kill the journalists and women, but Barzani has no concrete answer.”
On 21/01 Masud Barzani came to the European Parliament. Mr Barzani was congratulations on making Iraqi Kurdistan the “most stable region in Iraq”, by the Committee on Foreign Affairs vice President, Fiorello Provera (EFD, IT), Tunne Kelam (EPP, ET) and Ana Gomes (S & D, PT), on Tuesday joint meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the EP delegation for relations with Iraq.
A week before the pdk media’s have said that Barzani wants to go abroad, but have not said where en his visit to European Parliament was not known.
I have called a lot of settings as Kurdish institute in Brussels, Kurdish office and far surroundings of PDK to know if Mr.Masud Barzani will come to Belgium, unfortunately no one knew and no one had information.
Kurdistan Forum (a civil organization of Kurds from Belgium) had exact information about the visit of Barzani.
Because the visit was secret, the organization decides to take part in this Conference as listener and at the same time, they have organized a demonstration outside Parliament at 5 pm after his conversation.
They have also called me to participate as a journalist.
When we went to European Parliament someone from PDK has seen us and they have called police.
Two agents of Belgian police came and they have asked our identity.
According to PDK you are intend to do something against Barzani they say. I have journalist card for me was not ay problem, the other four people (representatives of Kurdistan Forum and other civil organization) have registered few days before the Conference by twee members of Eu Parliaments and police knew there.
Police said we know you, you have not done anything illegal yet in Belgium but there are complaints of PDK to you. You may go to the Conference but we will send few agents with you for your safety he said.
Ana Gomes (S & D, PT) asked why there are problems relating to the rights of the people and kill the journalists and women, but Barzani has no concrete answer. Representatives of civil organizations were angry when Barzani did’nt answer the question by Ana Gomes but he has spoken about freedom of the Kurdistan region.
That’s why they have shown the pictures of murdered journalists (Sardasht Othman, Soran Mame Hamme and the others) see pictures. Then they wanted to no longer listen to Barzani’s speech they have left the Conference as protest.