Jonathan Powell: If peace is being wanted, you must have a road map
DİYARBAKIR (DİHA) – 9.4.2013 – Being chief negotiator on behalf of Prime Minister Tony Blair in a term in England, Jonathan Powell states that steps must be taken one after another for a healthy peace and notes, “If peace is being wanted really, you must have a strategical clear goal and road map.” Diyarbakır Political and Social Researches Institution (DİSA) holds a panel named “Laying down arms and disarment experiences” in Cigerxwin Culture Center.
The panel’s moderator was Writer-journalist Cengiz Çandar, futhermore chief negotiator between the United Kingdom and North Ireland on behalf of term’s England Prime Minister Tony Blair, namely Jonathan Powell joined in the panel as speaker participant.
Moderator Çandar began his words by saluting in Kurdish. Being chief negotiator on behalf of Prime Minister Tony Blair in a term in England, Jonathan Powell states that steps must be taken one after another for a healthy peace and notes, “If peace is being wanted really, you must have a strategical clear goal and road map.” Speaking in the panel, DİSA Executive Board Chair Necdet İpekyüz said Powell was the founder of NGOs named Inter Mediate and concducted studies in the Middleeast, Latin America, Africa and Asia. İpekyüz said the panel will be held again on 8 April, 4 May and 8 June.
Both sides visit London, Belfast and Dublin to learn methodology and psychology that led to negotiations breakthrough
Ian Traynor –, Friday 1 March 2013 – While Turkish and Kurdish leaders wait for the music to start in their fragile “peace process”, they have already jointly taken to the dance floor, warily exploring whether enemies can become partners. Two places they have been doing this are Britain and Ireland, with politicians from both sides visiting London, Belfast and Dublin to learn about the methodology and psychology of negotiations that led to the breakthrough Good Friday accords under Tony Blair.
“Although there are historical differences between Northern Ireland and Turkey, it was very important. I learned a lot,” said Ayla Akat, a Kurdish MP who took part. She recalled meetings Jonathan Powell, Blair’s chief of staff, and learning of his “bicycle theory” of conducting negotiations. “You’ve got to keep pedalling or you fall over.” Cengiz Çandar, a veteran commentator with contacts on all sides of the Kurdish issue, is likely to be a member of a committee of “wise men” mediating in the negotiations if the talks really get off the ground. He has taken part in three trips to Britain and Ireland, where apart from Powell, he met key players such as Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and Bertie Ahern.
The Turks and Kurds also went to the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh to gain insights into how to devolve power from the centre, an issue that is likely to loom large in the “Imrali process” if things get that far.
“The point was that all the parties went together, not separately,” said Sezgin Tanrikulu, the Kurdish deputy leader of the main Turkish opposition CHP party and a former human rights lawyer.
“There was no problem from the social point of view. It was very enjoyable, a very good experience. When you’re together like that, you speak more the same language.” Importantly, he said the get-togethers in Britain were given a green light by Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. While the Troubles and the Kurdish conflict are very different in scale and essence, the message appears to be that there are methods and techniques in conflict-resolution processes that may apply generally. The Turkish government has also set up a cross-departmental unit to try to co-ordinate policy and responses on the Kurdish question on everything from security and counter-terrorism to education and social policy. The head of this unit also recently visited Britain to pick up tips on how best to proceed.
Ayla Akat Ata (Kurdische MP in Türkischen Parlament) trifft Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin / Ex-IRA) + den früheren Stabschef Tony Blairs Jonathan Powell
AYLA AKAT (BDP): “Ungeachtet einiger historischer Unterschiede zwischen Nord Irland und der Türkei lernte ich bei diesen Begegnungen zur Lösung unseres Konflikts Erhebliches. Sehr fruchtbar waren meine Begegnungen mit Jonathan Powell, dem damaligen Stabschef von Tony Blair, als die Nord Irlandkrise mit seiner und der Hilfe Clintons gelöst wurde. Ich favorisiere seine doppelstrategische “bicycle theory” über gezielte, gesteuerte Verhandlungsprozeduren: ‘wenn Du nicht weiter radelst, fällst Du sofort um‘.
Ayla Akat begegnete so auch Gerry Adams (Sinn Féin), Martin McGuinness (former IRA Chief of Staff Derry – + jetzt Minister) sowie Bertie Ahern.
Ayla Akat Ata ist eine kurdische Politikerin, Juristin und Abgeordnete des türkischen Parlamentes. Sie gehört zur Bevölkerungsgruppe der Zaza. Geboren: 16. Februar 1976 (Alter 37).
Zu den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei 2007 wurde sie für den Wahlkreis Batman als unabhängige Kandidatin in das türkische Parlament gewählt. Anschließend trat sie der Partei der demokratischen Gesellschaft (DTP) bei. Nach dem Verbot der DTP am 11. Dezember 2009 wurde sie Mitglied der Nachfolgepartei Partei des Friedens und der Demokratie (BDP). Bei den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei 2011 wurde Ata in ihrem Wahlkreis Batman wiedergewählt. Im September 2007 wurden Ata und der Abgeordneten Aysel Tuğluk vorgeworfen, “Propaganda für eine verbotene Organisation” sowie “Unterstützung einer terroristischen Organisation” betrieben zu haben.