The convincing result of Western Non-Intervention: A body count of 60 000 !

Syrian Revolution News Round- up / Day 660 : More than 223 killed today, UN says 60000-plus killed so far

More than 116 people died in Damascus and its suburbs today in one of the bloodiest days of the 22-month uprising. The majority died in multiple deadly airstrikes launched by regime fighter jets on the opposition-controlled towns of Mleiha, Moadamiyat al-Sham and Deir Asafri.

The first massacre occurred in the town of Mleiha when regime fighter jet struck a petrol station where dozens of cars were queuing up. The attack where thermobaric bombs were used left at least 30 people dead and dozens more wounded, the majority were mutilated beyond recognition. The second massacre took place in the town of Moadamiyat al-Sham that witnessed unprecedented rocket and aerial bombardments that targeted civilians’ houses and two bakeries and left at least 32 people dead and dozens more wounded, while the third similar massacre claimed the lives of at least eight people in the town of Deir Asafir.

Meanwhile, scores of people were killed in summary executions and indiscriminate shelling carried out by regime forces in the southern outskirts of Damascus as well as in its provincial towns of Irbin, Deir Atiya, Sbeneh, Thiyabiya, Daraya and many other towns.

Dozens of people including rebel fighters were killed due to the heavy shelling and clashes that took place in Idlib, Daraa, Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Raqa, Suwaida and Deir Azzour.

More than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising against Bashar al-Assad’s regime erupted in March 2011, a top UN official said. Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that an exhaustive analysis carried out by data specialists showed that 59,648 people had died through the end of November.

Regime forces shelled as many as 257 different locations across the country using all sort of heavy weaponry, including cluster, phosphorous, thermobaric and explosive bombs. Some 72 locations were shelled by mortar shells and 117 others were pounded by heavy artillery. More than 68 locations came under rocket shelling, fighter jets struck 14 other locations and helicopter gunships dropped barrel bombs on five others.

 Violence left more than 223 people dead today. Some 184 were killed by regime forces including 19 children, 14 women and 35 rebel fighters whereas 39 regime soldiers and militiamen were killed by the rebels.  

Fighting continued between regime forces and the rebels across the country. Rebel sources said they gained new ground in the Damascus suburb of Sayeda Zeinab and launched rockets and mortar shells on the central security and peacekeeping compounds as well as the military hospital in the town of Harasta. They also thwarted regime’s attacks on the Damascus suburbs of Daraya, Moadamiyat al-Sham, Shabaa, Aqraba and Irbin, destroying a number of military tanks and killing many regime soldiers. The rebels seized control of Taftanaz airbase in the north-eastern province of Idlib after winning a heavy battle with regime forces. They shot down a helicopter gunship and caused extensive damage to the airbase and destroyed a number military tanks and armoured vehicles. Fighting raged in several locations in Aleppo city and its suburbs where the rebels continued advancing inside the police academy and the base of the army’s 80th brigade and continued to besiege the airbases of Menneg, Quwayres and Jarah. Clashes also continued in the vicinity of Deir Azzour airbase as part of their efforts to cut into the regime’s airpower. The rebels scored advances in the south of the country where they stormed al-Thola airbase in the suburbs of Suweida and killed a number of regime soldiers. They also bombarded the bases of the army’s 12th brigade and 175th regiment in the Daraa suburb of Izraa.