Syria Today: The Battle for Khalidiya in Homs

By Scott Lucas – EA – Watch Video / HEZBOLLAH FIGHTING IN HOMS

After weeks of bombardment, regime forces have further stepped up pressure on insurgent-held areas in Homs, with claims they hold parts of the Khalidiya section north of the city center.

Video on Monday displayed the continued shelling. One local activist estimated that the Syrian military now held 30% of Khalidiya; another denied it had advanced beyond buildings on the outskirts seized last weekend. State media and officials claimed President Assad’s troops were in control and were mopping up pockets of “terrorist” resistance.

Reports were sketchier of the regime’s attacks on other areas such as Bab Houd.

The regime claimed control of Homs, Syria’s third-largest city, after a bloody offensive in February-March 2012, but the opposition has remained in some districts.

Video of a regime bombardment on Monday:

Claimed footage of an opposition protest in Khalidiya last night:

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“Free Syrian Army Brigade” Claims Responsibility for Beirut Bomb

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In the statement, the “313 Brigade” claims responsibility for earlier bombings of Hezballah in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. It says today’s explosion was in retaliation for Hezballah’s participation in a Syrian regime offensive in Homs, claiming also that the Lebanese State assists the organization.

(Cross-posted from Middle East Today)

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The commander contrasted the effort with Hezbollah’s prominent place, with ground forces, in the regime re-capture of Qusayr in June:

Hezbollah is not in Homs like we were in Qusayr. Because Qusayr is along the Lebanese border and has many Shiite villages nearby, we took this as a mission that we could do. But the Syrian army doesn’t need Hezbollah to fight in large numbers on the ground in most battles.

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The Local Coordination Committees claim 60 people were killed on Monday, including 21 in Damascus and its suburbs, 13 in Aleppo Province, and 13 in Hama Province.

The Violations Documentation Center reports that 65,719 people have been slain since the start of the conflict in March 2011, an increase of 72 since Monday. Of these, 50,219 were civilians, a rise of 37 from yesterday.