Momentumin Syria appears to be shifting toward President Bashar al-Assad. While analysts do not believe Assad can regain control of all of Syria, the government has retained control of the capital, Damascus, and has been solidifying its hold over major northern cities.At the same time, there has been increased infighting and a loss of territory by opposition fighters. While Assad is receiving continuous military and financial backing from Russia and Iran, in addition to the participation of Hezbollah fighters, the opposition continues to experience delays in international support.

Commander of the opposition Supreme Military Council General Salim Idriss said, “We are really in a very critical situation, and we don’t understand why our friends delay and delay and delay and hesitate to support us.” On June 13, the United States committed to send weapons to the Syrian opposition after determining that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons. However, the initiative has been stalled in Congress. Additionally, Britainappears to be retreating from its pledge to send arms, although Prime Minister David Cameron has not made an official statement on the subject. Meanwhile, a Syrian helicopter reportedly fired four rockets into the pro-rebel region of Arsal in eastern Lebanon early Thursday, in a further instance ofspilloverof the Syrian conflict into the neighboring country.