Syria Kurds’ Patriotic Council to make critical decision

7-12-2013 – MESOP – The Patriotic Council of Syria Kurds is due to make fate- making decisions over diverse issues including Geneva II meeting and the autonomy of the Kurdish in the north of the country, Hawar news said in a report.

The meeting was due to held on Friday but it was postponed as some members of the council could not arrive in Qamishlo on time. The meeting is planned to discuss the council’s stance towards the democratic autonomy of pro- Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Geneva II and the presence of the Kurds and activating Kurds National Council as the umbrella body of Syrian Kurds.

A member and former Leader of the Kurdish Council, Faysal Yusuf said the Syrian Kurdish parties should find a way to settle their differences and get united to convince countries affiliated to Syria war to allow Kurds to attend in Geneva under an independent group.