STATEMENT : THE COPRESIDENCEY OF KCK EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / “the alliance between the AKP & the Gulenists had carried out the killings”

TO OUR PEOPLES AND THE PUBLIC OPINION –  20-1-2014 –   One year passed over the assassination of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Shaylemez in Paris; but neither the French nor the Turkish governments have taken any step to find the killers. However, with the escalation of  power conflict in Turkey, documents related to Paris killings have begun to emerge.

The voice records of Ömer Güney, the alleged killer, and the leaking of documents related to the MIT’s (Turkish intelligence Service)  involvement in the killings validate claims about the role of Turkey in planning and carrying out the killings. These murders had been committed at a time when the Fethullah Gulen’s movement had cooperated and collaborated with AKP to form the government. As a matter of fact, these murders couldn’t have taken place without the support of intelligence services. The documents leaked recently point to the MIT’s complicity in the murder.

Unless otherwise proven, the MIT will be held responsible for planning and carrying out the Paris assassinations.  Both the AKP spokespersons and the Gulenists drew attention to internal feud, immediately after the news of the murder spread. From the start, these kinds of arguments were enough to prove that the the alliance between the AKP and the Gulenists had carried out the killings. It is quite well understood that the leaking of the voice records and related documents is closely related to the Gulenists’ intention to put pressure on the AKP. Whatever their intention, it was very important that the role of the MIT in the assassinations has been revealed.

      The Paris Massacre was the first implementation of AKP’s decision to eliminate the PKK management. Fathullah Gulen is the one who has most reiterated the necessity to eliminate the PKK management and has recommended such elimination methods to the government. Undoubtedly, the MIT has continuously been on the prowl to carry out this massacre. During the Oslo process, members of the KCK management who had just finished a meeting with the mediators between KCK and Turkish delegate, came under a heavy attack of elimination. The KCK management escaped the attack by a hair’s-breadth, but four of their bodyguards lost their lives. Carrying out attacks to eliminate the PKK management while running meetings with them reveals the real aim of AKP and the MIT in holding such meetings.

     Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the Kurdish Freedom Movement have always reiterated the implications of the killing of Sakine Cansiz and two of her comrades. They have clearly highlighted that unless the murders are solved and the mind-set and practices behind them are condemned, the Kurdish question will not be resolved.

     The government should explain the nature and the significance of the MIT-related document. The MIT’s statement on the documents is such as to validate the authenticity of them. Our movement will not overlook the seriousness of this matter. The connections mentioned by the alleged killer, Ömer Güney, in his voice record and the unveiled MIT documents should be accounted for. Unless the government takes such steps, their arguments about the settlement process will no longer carry any significance.

     As a matter of fact, the AKP administration has not given any response to the campaign for democratic political settlement initiated by Leader APO. It has not only taken no steps in the direction of settling the Kurdish question, but also has tried to misuse and exploit the solution-oriented approaches and the steps of Leader APO and our Movement. While we are maintaining the non-conflict position, the AKP administration has carried the war over to Rojava. It has equipped, supplied and set on the bandit groups.

     The settlement process, already stalled due to AKP’s attitudes and approaches, has been insistently continued by Leader APO and the Kurdish Freedom Movement, firstly to fulfill the responsibility we feel towards our people and secondly with the hope of ‘lest we make the AKP take steps’. Should the AKP government take no measures to evince the Paris assassinations and take no serious steps to settle the Kurdish question, they have to know that the current situation will not last long. Both the AKP and the concerned public opinion should know this fact full well.