STATEMENT Syrian Coalition: We Look Positively To Setting Date for Geneva II, No Role for Assad in the Political Process
27.11.2013 – Louay Safi, the spokesman for the Syrian National Coalition, stressed that Iran is “an occupying country” and so it cannot be part of the negotiations in Geneva II. He said that Geneva II is positive only when it meets the conditions set forth by the Syrian Coalition which constitute the primary path to the negotiations in Geneva II.
According to a statement issued by the Syrian Coalition, the main point in Geneva II will be “the application of the terms of the Geneva I Communique, and the formation of a transitional governing body with full powers.” The Syrian Coalition stresses it will not accept participation of Bashar al-Assad and his criminal associates in the transitional governing body, and that they cannot play any role in the political future of Syria. “There is a sufficient period of time for the international community and its relief and humanitarian organizations to prove their seriousness in creating the appropriate humanitarian atmosphere before the conference through the release of women, children and political prisoners and securing medical care and allowing the passage of humanitarian convoys to all besieged areas,” Safi stressed. The Syrian Coalition reasserted its commitment to the London 11 Communique, which calls for Assad to step down and the forming of a transitional ruling body. Furthermore, the Syrian Coalition stressed its “commitment to the Security Council resolutions, especially resolution no. 2118, and the Geneva I Communique issued on June 30th, 2012, and the London 11 Communique of October 22nd, 2013 and the resolution of the Arab League issued in November 2013.” The Syrian Coalition criticized “Assad’s continuous defiance of the international community in violation of its resolutions and statements and his conduct of collective punishment, torture and murder against civilians.” It also held the international community responsible to “show seriousness and firmness required for the success of the Geneva II by ensuring the implementation of any agreement that led to a binding resolution by the Security Council.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)