SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) MESOP : Now is the best time to declare independence: Kurdish official

A leading member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) stated that now it is the best time for Kurdistan Region in the north of Iraq to declare its independence from the Arab state. 28 May 2015 – KDP Political Office Secretary Fazil Mirani told a gathering commemorating Gollan Revolution that Kurds who passed 21 tough years under the threat of poverty and death have their own parliament, president, flag and airport and their flag was hoisted along with flags of other states during Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani’s recent visit to Jordan. He stated now it is the best time for the Kurdish region to announce its independence as Syria and Iraq are not considered as states any longer and Turkey and Iran are wrestling their own troubles, adding that most of the countries in the world would not stand out against the measure as they have joint interests with Kurds. He furthered wondered why Bahrain, a state smaller than Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region, and Qatar, with a population of about 300000 people, should be independent states but Kurds been deprived of having their state. He also said bad management but not Kurds is to be blamed for the current situation in Iraq.