SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) : 29 Gorran activists publicly resign
08 Nov 2012 – KURDISTAN TRIBUNE – 29 active members of the Gorran party have announced their resignations in a joint statement to the south Kurdistan media. “From the beginning we began our political efforts and struggle for our Gorran movement with very clear hearts and minds,” they said. “Our mission was to achieve change for the deprived people, but in practice our aims couldn’t be achieved for several reasons, including:
This statement, publicly signed by 29 former members, is the biggest blow to the organisation since it won 25 parliamentary seats.
Several times on KT we have argued that Gorran’s leadership should be elected at a conference and the whole membership should allowed to vote on the party’s programme. Ever since the Gorran leaders visited Talabani on 24 September, the party has gone backwards not forwards. Unless there are changes, Gorran faces a big challenge. According to many observers, the party didn’t win 25 seats because it had a good programme and sound organisational structures but rather because of the weakness and stupidity of its rivals. Surely the Gorran leadership should be having sleepless nights over this crisis? And yet there is no indication that they are concerned. They need to see these resignations as an urgent wake-up call.