English – Diyarbakır Meeting : Erdoğan Seeks Barzani Help in Kurdish Bid and Elections Murat Yetkin comments on the Diyarbakır meeting between Prime Minister Erdoğan and Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.
The Diyarbakır Moment—A Harbinger of a Kurdish Spring? Yavuz Baydar claims that number sixteen, the day Erdoğan met with Barzani in Diyarbakır, is a historic day for Turkey.
Erdoğan’s Move Deepens the Disintegration of the Kurds Sedat Ergin discusses Prime Minister Erdoğan’s agenda for the Diyarbakır meeting.
Erdoğan and Barzani’s Main Theme: Rojava In Diyarbakır, Ruşen Çakır claims, Erdoğan and Barzani discussed what kind of strategies they can develop together against the PYD.
The “Great Game” in Kurdistan İhsan Dağı says that “visiting Diyarbakir and meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, Barzani agrees that the PYD should not seek an autonomous Rojava.”
Turkey and the Intra-Kurdish Conflicts: The Barzani Factor Gökhan Bacık says “many in Ankara believe that the conflict between the Kurdish groups could be a great opportunity for Turkey.”
Did Barzani Bring Peace with Him? Emre Uslu wonders if “it was a good idea to ‘threaten’ Öcalan by presenting Barzani as alternative leader for the Kurds of Diyarbakır.”
Forward Towards Turkish-Kurdish Peace Şahin Alpay argues that the Diyarbakır meeting “is a new and highly significant step forward towards the Turkish-Kurdish alliance.”
Barzani’s Visit and the Settlement Process For Markar Esayan, “the claim that the government intends to replace Barzani with Öcalan as an addressee in the settlement process is a nonsensical.”
New Kurdish Equation, Turkey’s New Game Plan Verda Özer says “it is ironic for Turkey to act as the main partner of the Iraqi Kurds while unable to solve its own domestic Kurdish question.”
Turkey Returns to Balance in Baghdad, KRG Ties Fehim Taştekin points out that Turkey is flirting with Baghdad while dancing with Erbil.
War over Prep Schools
Behind the War Over Prep Schools Mustafa Akyol focuses on the other latest political controversy in Turkey about the government’s plan to close the so-called prep schools.
Erdoğan’s Way: Scare, Divide and Rule Abdullah Bozkurt contends that Erdoğan has based his election campaign on the fear and divisions within a very polarized society.
I Wish Our End Would Not Have Been Like This Bülent Keneş argues that Erdoğan is attempting to fill the void left by his enemy—the leviathan called the state.
Controlling Student Houses
Conservative Democrats, Conservative Autocrats, or Islamists? Nuray Mert argues that the “conservative democrats” turned into “conservative autocrats,” especially during their third term in office.
Postmodern Authoritarianism in Action İhsan Dağı says that “the government’s move to regulate and intervene in private houses displays the practice of postmodern authoritarianism in action.”
Why is Erdoğan Doing All of This? Semih İdiz underlines the fact that “it is difficult to impose a religiously based system of morality on urbanized, industrial, and post-industrial societies.”
A Crack in Government and Its Effect on the Future of the Ruling Party Lale Kemal comments on Deputy Prime Minister Arınç’s reaction to Erdoğan in regard to control over student houses.
The Rift Among Religious Conservatives Mustafa Akyol claims that Arınç’s take reveals not only a personal dispute but a growing rift among Turkey’s religious conservatives.
On Private Life: Kemalo-Islamism vs. Civil Islam İhsan Yılmaz also draws attention to the division among Islamists in regard to the control over student houses.
A Row over Co-ed Flats The Economist asks whether, after eleven years of uninterrupted power, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party is finally beginning to unravel.
Time Out Nicole Pope answers the two frequent questions raised abroad related to Turkey: “Is Turkey on its way to becoming a dictatorship?” and “Is Turkey becoming like theocratic Iran?”
Turkey’s Cleavage Crackdown Goes to College Marc Champion argues that Erdogan’s proposal to ban co-ed student housings sounds like social conservatism.
Why Is Morality Front and Center These Days? Etyen Mahçupyan claims that the secular circles make no effort to understand conservative circles as they rightly criticize the prime minister.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Muslim Armenian Cengiz Aktar comments on the “Islamized (Islamicized) Armenians” conference held in İstanbul.
What Happened to Turkey’s Islamized Armenians? Orhan Kemal Cengiz argues that the Islamized Armenians conference is an encouraging sign that Turks are addressing the genocide.
Dark Secrets of Turkish Army Continue to Be Unveiled Yavuz Baydar examines the latest revelations about the massive village burnings and bloody operations by the Turkish Army.
AKP’s Social Media Wars Emre Kızılkaya asks whether the Justice and Development Party (AKP) has enlisted “social raiders” to take on its critics in the social media.
Anti-Syrian Sentiment on the Rise in Turkey Sibel Utku Bila indicates that, as Syrians continue to come to Turkey to flee the civil war, anti-Syrian sentiment is on the rise throughout Turkey.
A Woman’s Place Is in the Home “Turkish society is undergoing major changes, particularly that of the role of women,” says Charlotte McPherson.
Diyarbakır Meeting
“Türk-Kürt ittifakı” mı Diyarbakır’da ‘siyasi nikâh töreni’ mi? (1)– (2)– (3) – (4) Çengiz Çandar comments on the Diyarbakır meeting.
Barzani ile yanlış hesap Nuray Mert argues that the Diyarbakır meeting rests upon the AKP government’s miscalculation in regard to Barzani.
Erkekler buluşuyor Nazan Üstündağ suggests that the Diyarbakır meeting is first and foremost a men’s date.
Barzani’nin Rojava açmazı Fehim Taştekin reveals “Barzan’s Rojava dilemma.”
Barzani’nin sarkacı Deniz Zeyrek compares Barzani’s policies to Foucault’s pendulum.
Öcalan’a karşı Barzani mi? Ali Bayramoğlu asks whether the AKP government intends to replace Barzani with Öcalan as an addressee in the peace process.
Evet, Diyarbakır’da yaşanan hiç kuşkusuz tarihi bir gündür Hasan Cemal has no doubt that the Diyarbakır meeting is a historical event.
Neden tarihi bir andı? Aslı Aydıntaşbaş explains the historicity of Diyarbakır meeting.
Siyasal çözümde ısrar ve tutarlılık Ayhan Bilgen argues that we are ruled by a government unclear about the proper political solution to the Kurdish question.
Büyük buluşmalar ardından Soli Özel argues that the Diyarbakır meeting is an attempt to break down the PKK/BDP hegemony in different parts of Kurdistan.
Controlling Student Houses
İkinci Gezi Taner Akçam says that Erdoğan’s proposal to ban co-ed student housings should be named as the second Gezi crisis.
Öğrenci evleri alt konut piyasasının önemli girdisi An interview with Nuket Sirman on the public debate over Erdoğan’s statement in regard to mixed-gender student houses.
Tercih According to Ayşe Kadıoğlu, the AKP government’s intention to ban co-ed student housings is nothing but an expression of the tyranny of the majority.
Muhafazakar demokrasi Yücel Sayman writes that Erdoğan and his party’s intentions correspond to “conservative autocratism,” and even “conservative despotism.”
“Öğrenci evleri”: Neyi tartışıyoruz? Şükrü Hanioğlu situates the student houses public debate in a broader historical and philosophical context—morality politics.
Öğrenci evleri tartışmasında toplum ne düşünüyor? Yalçın Akdoğan, Erdoğan’s chief political advisor, claims that democracy is promoted via shocking, irritating, and traumatic debates.
Ak Parti’nin toplum tahayyülünü çerçevelemek Borrowing Erman Bakırcı’s conceptualization, Bekir Ağırdır asserts how the AKP’s new vision is framed.
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