Salih Muslim blamed Turkey for bloodshed in Syria and West Kurdistan
NEWROZ TV – 3.3.2013 – Salih Muslim the leader of The Democratic Union Party (PYD) blamed Turkey for bloodshed in Syria and West Kurdistan.Salih Muslim in a press conference in Paris on February 27 stated; it was Turkey that diverted the Syrian revolution from its main way and militarized it. It is Turkey that supports Jihadists groups in Syria.
While emphasizing that Turkey intervenes in the internal affairs of Syria, Muslim said: “Ankara wants to change the situation of Syria in its favor. Turkey supports the Syrian opposition with the condition that the opposition cut their ties with Kurds”.
“The Jihadist group of Jebhat al-Nusra is being trained in the camps in Turkey with the support of Turkish government”, the leader of PYD added. “What Kurdish people are doing in West Kurdistan is a mere self-defence”, Muslim stated. On the other, hand At least five people died and eleven others were wounded as a result of artillery shootings by the military of the Baas regime on February 26.
The artillery shootings which targeted the Kurdish neighborhoods of Şêx Meqsûd and Esrefiye in Aleppo caused a great damage in the houses and living areas of civilians. Among the wounded are also four children aged under 13. In retaliation, People’s Defense Units, YPG on February 28 clashed with Syrian regime forces. At least 1 Syrian soldier killed, several injured and 11 soldiers captured by YPG forces in these clashes. Around 600 thousand Kurds live in the neighborhoods of Shex Meqsud and Eshrefiye in Aleppo.