REUNITED ! PUK & GORRAN / Official: Barzani’s party not afraid of opposition and ruling party’s rapprochement
ERBIL, Aug. 7(AKnews)- Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) is in no way afraid of the improving relations between the opposition party, Gorran (Change) Movement, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), said KDP politburo spokesperson.
Gorran, an offshoot of PUK, was founded in 2009, two years after Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani’s KDP and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani’s PUK signed a strategic deal for power share. After the formation of Gorran, relations between the ruling parties and the first and the major oppositional party deteriorated. On July 10 the PUK and Gorran formed a committee for normalizing their bilateral relations.
Fadil Mirani,Fazil Mirani, Mirani,Fazl MiraniKDP politburo spokesperson Fadel Mirani said the KDP has never been troubled by the rapprochement between the PUK and Gorran because Gorran was part of the PUK and “we are PUK’s ally.
“With the separation of Gorran from PUK the pressure on KDP became heavier than the pressure on PUK and Gorran and now that they are closer to each other we hope that they reunite.” Mirani continued it is true that now KDP has an argument with Gorran but Gorran “is still our friend”. KDP official believes the current argument will be settled “and we try so that it [the argument] does not affect the political situation of [Kurdistan] region.”
A recent televised interview by Nawshirwan Mustafa, Gorran’s general coordinator, and the opposition’s objection to the creation of the Security Council, led by Barzani’s son, Masrur Barzani, deteriorated relations between the KDP and Gorran. Mustafa accused KDP of consolidating power of Barzani’s family in the past 20 years. KDP issued a statement in response saying Mustafa’s party targets only Barzani and the KDP.