Guerrillas to avoid clashes during Ramadan Period
19 August 2012- The KCK has released a written statement to announce that guerrilla forces will avoid clashes during the Ramadan bairam unless forced to respond. The KCK statement put emphasis on a free, equal and democratic living and called on all Kurdish groups and institutions to defend national-democratic values and to avoid clashes between the peoples of the Region of Kurdistan.
CHP deputy to be released today, say KCK – KCK confirmed deputy’s release imminent
14 August 2012- KCK Presidential Council has confirmed that CHP deputy Hüseyin Aygün will be freed today. The Kurdish guerrillas had detained the Dersim deputy last Sunday.
15 August to be remembered everywhere On 15 August 1984 the PKK launched first armed attack
14 August 2012 – The 15 of August 1984 is an important date for the Turkish-Kurdish conflict as it marked the first PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) attack, led by Mahsum Korkmaz (known as “Agit”).
The 15 of August is remembered throughout Turkey, Kurdistan and Europe by thousands of Kurds.
Since the PKK’s second party Congress, which was held from 20 t0 25 Augustus 1982 in Daraa (Syria) it was decided that the PKK would start preparing for an insurgency inside Turkey. Training camps were opened in Syria and in Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley and propaganda teams were sent across the border to make contact with the local populations. After years of preparation the PKK launched it’s first major attacks on August 15, 1984. The attack was led by the founder of the PKK’s military wing.
PKK forces attacked the gendarmerie station in Eruh in Siirt and killed one gendarmerie soldier and injured six soldiers and three civilians. Simultaneously PKK forces attacked a gendarmerie open air facility, officer housings and a gendarmerie station in Şemdinli, Hakkâri and killed two police officers and injured one police officer and a soldier.
The first attack was followed up by a raid on a police station in Siirt on August 17 which was soon followed by an attack that killed 3 of General Kenan Evren’s Preidential Guards in Yüksekova and an ambush which killed 8 Turkish soldiers in Çukurca, in Hakkâri province.
Kalkan: Revolutionary Operation in Şemdinli is the beginning
Member of the Executive Council of the KCK, Duran KALKAN said: ‘Revolutionary Operation in Şemdinli is the beginning’
08 August 2012 – In an interview to ANF about the “Revolutionary Operation” in Şemdinli and Çukurca for the last two weeks, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) executive council member Duran Kalkan said that the guerrilla activity and domination in the region is a warning to the Turkish state which –he said- will see the real power of guerrilla forces in the event of not taking a lesson from this warning.
Kalkan said that the guerrilla actions in the region, where over a hundred soldiers died according to HPG (People’s Defense Forces) sources, is a beginning and pointed out that the new struggle process is an answer to the increasing killing, imprisonment and oppression of the Kurdish people in the last one year.
KCK executive council member Kalkan underlined that the deadlock in the Kurdish issue is a consequence of the policies of the Turkish government which -he said- is mistaken for intending to come up with a solution to the problem by waging a war against the forces of the Kurdish people.
KCK demands democratic autonomy for the Kurds in Turkey on the basis of political and peaceful negotiations, remarked Kalkan and added that guerrilla actions and civil rebellion will emerge should the Turkish state refuse to agree on this proposal.
Kalkan noted that “Kurdish guerrillas have surrounded and taken the control of many areas in the regions of Şemdinli, Zap and Zagros, placing the Turkish army in a position in which it cannot go out of its military posts and will soon have to draw back or surrender.”
Democratic Turkey will be arising from the region, said Kalkan and added that Kurdish guerrillas have defeated the army of hired soldiers AKP government has formed against the forces of the Kurdish movement.
1- On 12 August at around 06:00 hour, the occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out bonbardments on the area of Gire Sor/Hazro/Amed, with cobra type helicopters. Aftermath of bombardment a bush-fire began in the area, which still continues.
2- On 13 August at around 23:30 hour, our guerrillas effectively hit the Houses of the Head of the district, the Jendarmerie Commandment, the Police HQ and a police patrol unit in the district of Erzin/Hatay. The action carried out from 4 different wings and as a result at least 5 policemen killed and 4 others wounded. In regard to this action, the report given by the Turkish media as saying that 1 of our guerrilla wounded and taken as a prisoner do not reflect the reality. Our guerrillas, whome carried out the actions have been safely returned to their bases.
3- On 13 August in between 15:00-16:00 hours and 14 August in between 20:00-24:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments using obus and mortars, on the Village of Bektorya and the area of Kato Sulo/Zaxo/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.
4- On 14 August in between 19:30-21:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road of Amed-Pasur. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s, they also informed the people about latest developments and congratulate the people for the Day of Revival Festivity of the 15 August.
5- While our guerrillas still continues to control the area of the line of Semdinli-Yuksekova, carried out different actions on 14 August as well. Those are as follow;
On 14 August in between 18:00-20:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out Road control. While controlling the I.Ds, they informed the people on the anniversary of the 15 August and their operation of Semdinli. They also congratulated people for the Day of Revival Festivity of the 15 August. During the road control, our guerrillas also burnt and destroyed a lorry belongs to a company carrying lojistic materials for enemy and, its driver name Nazim Cin detained.
On 14 August at around 24:00 hour, our guerrillas burnt and destroyed 1 work machine in between the areas of Ketine and Mawa/Rubarok/Semdinli/Hakkari, belongs to a person, who assists send to be used in building military stations for enemy.
While the occupier Turkish state army continues its bombardments, enemy war-planes carried out air-raids on Mnt. Carcela, in between Yuksekova and Semdinli/Hakkari, on 14 August at around 18:30 hour. Again, on 14 August at around 21:30 hour, enemy cobra type helicopters also carried out bombardments on the Villages of Hacyan, Mergan and Gipe/Semdinli.
6- On 14 August, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy military conwoye in the district of Eruh/Siirt, which came to intervene to the festivities of 15 August to be celebrated by our people. As a result, while 1 coach destroyed and 1 scorpian type armoured vehicle hit and damaged by our guerrillas, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
7- The Parlamentarian from the CHP, Huseyin Aygun, who has been detained by our guerrillas on the Road of Ovacik-Dersim on 12 August, released after his questioning and needed procedures finished, on 14 August.
HPG Media and Communication Center 14. 08. 2012
On 15 August from 12:00 day-light to 12:00 mid-night, our YJA Star guerrillas have been taken the Roads of Gever (Yuksekova) and Oramar / Hakkari, and informed the people on the 28. anniversary of 15 August.
YJA-Star Press Centre16 August 2012
1- On 13 August at around 20:00 hours, clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army in the area of Serhat Cayiri, in the district of Pulumur/Dersim. As a result, 1 of our comrade heavily wounded and couldn’t be able to survived despite all efforts. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Aftermath of the clashes, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Kizilmescit and Kevire Spi, which still continues.
The I.D. Detail of our Martryd Comrade are as Follow:
Code Name: Firat Halfeti
Real Name: Ahmet Tekin
Name of Mother/Father: Emine/Maruf
Place of Birth: Halfeti, Urfa.
2- On 14 August in between 21:00-22:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control in between the Suburbs of Kisla and Orman, in the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. While our guerrillas carried out I.D. control, also congratulate the people for the Day of Revival Festivity of 15 August.
3- On 15 August at around 21:15 hour, our guerrillas carried out actions on both state building and policemen securing the building in the district of Guroymak/Bitlis. While targets have been effectively hit, number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified. Later, enemy forces carried away their killed and wounded soldiers with ambulances. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in and surrounding areas of district, which still continues.
4- On 15 August in between 23:00-24:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the areas of Kani Cenge, Kortek, Sehit Savas and the Hill of Hiva/Qandil/Qeledize/the Medya Defence Areas.
5- On 15 August in between 09.30-19:30 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments with obus and mortars, on the areas of Gare, Goste, the Valley of River Haci Beg/Semdinli/Hakkari.
6- On 15 August in between 23:00-24:00 hours, war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the area of Avdil Kovi and the Village of Are/Xakurke/Sideka/the Medya Defence Areas.
7- On 15 August in between 16:00-16:30 hour, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombarments with obus and mortars on the areas of Merge, Hope, Gire Xwede and, the Village of Sirvan/the Region of Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas.
HPG Media and Communication Center16. 08. 2012
1- The military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army on 13 August, in the areas of Kizilmescit and Kevire Spi/Pulumur/Dersim, still continues with search and ambushes of the enemy hidden units.
2- On 15 August at around 23:40 hour, our guerrillas burnt and destroyed 1 Bulldozer working on a road in between the enemy’s Regiment commandment and Regiment’ security Hill, in the district of Islahiye/Antep.
3- On 15 August in between 23:00-24:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Villages of Govende and Hergus/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result of enemy bombardments, some of Villagers have been wounded and, the garden and grape-yards belongs to the villagers have been damaged.
4- On 16 August at around 18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out actions against the Depin Police station, its security Hill, the houses of the members of special operation Policemen and a work-yard secured by the policemen, in the Central Hakkari. The actions carried out by three wings of guerrillas and all the targets have been hit effectively. Enemy forces attempts to intervene to the area with both its land and air forces have been repulsed by our guerrillas after two hour long clashes and effectively hit by our guerrilla forces. The number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified by our forces, yet 8 ambulances carried away the bodies of enemy. While the area continuing to be under the guerrilla control, including the Mnt. Sumbul, time to time the clashes still continues in the area.
5- On 16 August at around 17:40 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Police HQs in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 4 during the action and 1 in the hospital, total of 5 members of the Special Operational Policemen killed. Enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded with 5 ambulances.
6- On 16 August at around 21:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Yuksekova-Esendere/Hakkari. While our guerrillas was checking-up the I.D.s, also congratulate the people’s Day of Revival Festivity of the 15 August. During the road control, 1 TIR has been burnt and destroyed for carrying out trade with no permission.
7- On 16 August, the ocupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Akdag, in the district of Genc/Bingol, by air landing its forces under the support of cobra type helicopters. The enemy forces bombarded the area with obus and mortars, with no aim and then pulled back in the night hours on the same day.
8- On 16 August in between 18:00-19:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of the Valley of Harcik, Hingirvan and Dokuz Kayalar/Central Dersim, after intensive bombardments on these areas with cobra type helicopters. The operation still continues.
9- On 16 August in between 18:00-19:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Mnt. Gare/Cukurca/Hakkari.
HPG Media and Communication Center 17. 08. 2012
We have informed our people and the public in general that total of 12 of our comrades have been martryd since the Revolutionary Operation have began in the district Simdinli/Hakkari and its surrounding area, since 23 July. The corpses of 7 of 12 of these our martrys carried to the morgue in the city of Malatya. Their names are as follow; Mirza (Mehmet Emen), Ekin (Latife Baran), Siyabend (Ismail Zamani), Sahin (Servet Gumus), Sores Kobani (Sirvan Ahmet), Serxwebun (Aziz Zengel) and Sahan (Kutbettin Delaimilan). The corpses of 5 of other our martryd comrades, Kemal (Kemal Acar), Sarina (Sinem Unver), Murat (Agit Abdulah), Sahin (Isa Tacidar) and Zozan (Zozan Abuk), have been buried in the area under the control of our guerrillas.
HPG Media and Communication Center 17. 08. 2012
On 16 August in between 14:00-15:00 hours, our YJA-Star forces carried out an action against the enemy’s Brigade Commandment in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, a portion of the Building of the Brigade Commandment have been damaged. While the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified by our forces, enemy forces bombarded the area of action and its surrounding areas with obus and mortars, with no aim.
YJA-Star Press Centre17 August 2012
1- On 15 August at around 09:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a military convoye belongs to the Special Opeartional Police Teams of the occupier Turkish state army, whome launched an operation on the Road of the Districts of Lice-Hani/Amed. As a result, a scorpian armoured vehicle have been damaged and, the numbers of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified. Enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded personnel from the area with 2 sikorsky type helicopters.
2- On 16 August at around 20:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road of Sirnak-Eruh. While our guerrillas was checking-up the I.D.s, also congratulate the people’s Day of Revival Festivity of the 15 August.
3- On 16 August at around 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on a work-yard building a road for military purposes in between the areas of Kevire Samiya and Kulizerke, in the district of Caldiran/Van. During the action damages have been made in the work-yard.
4- On 17 August in between 20:30-21:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road of Van-Tatvan. The vehicles have been stopped, I.D.s controlled, and 7 TIRs burnt and destroyed for carrying out trade in Kurdistan with no trade permission.
5- On 17 August, our guerrillas arrested a spy working for the head of official in the district of Kulp/Amed, and also an official government vehicle belongs to the administrative of the district burnt and destroyed.
6- Our guerrillas control on the areas of Semdinli-Yuksekova-Cukurca/Hakkari still continues. Within the scope of our guerrillas operation there have been actions carried out on 17 August. Those are:
On 17 August in between 04:30-09:45 hours, our guerrillas carried out 10 different actions on the enemy forces, which belongs to the Sineva military station and were on the way to launch a military operation on the areas of Berderes, Siranger and Glord/Geliye Doski. As a result of these actions, total of 25 enemy soldiers killed and 30 others wounded.
On 17 August in between 14:30-15:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Regiment of Gare in Semdinli. All the targets have been hit effectively by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
Our guerrillas have been carrying out routine road controls on the Road of Semdinli-Gerdiya. On 17 August in between 17:00-18:00 hours, another road control carried out at this road again. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s of the people, also held a meeting with people to inform them about the devoloping period.
While the occupier Turkish state army continues to carry out bombardments with cannons, also carried out bombardments with obus and mortars on the areas of the Hill of Genis, the Valley of the River Hacibeg and Mountain chain of Karker, on 17 August at around 16:00 hour; and, on the Mnt. Carcela in between 17 August at 18:00 hour and on 18 August at 04:00 hour.
7- We have already informed the public and the press in regarding to the guerrilla operation, which began on 4 August, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari. We clerified that during this guerrilla operation 1 of our comrade heavily wounded and enemy attempted to take him as a prisoner. Despite all attempts by enemy he did not give up and reached to martry by threw himself to the River of Zap.
The I.D. Detail of our Martryd Comrade as Follow;
Code Name: Zana Rojhilat
Real Name: Ramazan Omoyimilan
Name of Mother/Father: Zehra/Kadir
Place of Birth: Maku/East Kurdistan
Date and Place of Martry: 4 August 2012/Cele, Hakkari
HPG Media and Communication Center18. 08. 2012
1- On 16 August at around 01:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a new building of an enemy military station nearby the Village of Roboski, in the district of Uludere/Sirnak. Our guerrillas detsroyed one section of the military station, which made of two section, and did not harmed the second section as it was used by the workers as a dormitory. Aftermath of this action, enemy forces have closed the Road to the Village of Roboski to the traffic.
2- On 17 August in between 10:30-12:30 hours, our YJA-Star Forces carried out an action against the enemy’s Gare Regiment, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed by our forces.
YJA-Star Press Centre18 August 2012
1- The clashes and guerrilla actions began on 17 August within the scope of our guerrilla operation in the Semdinli/Yuksekova line, still continues.
On 18 August at around 11:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the a military enemy reinceforcement conwoye made of 54 different type of military vehicles heading from Yuksekova to Sitazin and Oramar enemy military stations. The guerrilla action carried out from seven diffent wings and clashes continued until 15:30 hour. As a result of these action and clashes; while 1 Panzer, 1 Scorpian and 2 Reo type vehicles hit and destroyed, 2 other vehicles damaged by our guerrillas. Also, 14 enemy soldiers killed in these area.
Again, as a result of 2 hour clashes occurred with enemy forces nearby the Hill of Glord/Geliye Doski, which began at 12:00 hour, 4 enemy soldiers killed. Our guerrillas also carried out another action against enemy forces who left the Hill of Glord and positioned themselves on the Hill of Memiska, where 8 enemy soldiers killed and aftermath the guerrillas taken the control of the Hill. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified in both the clashes occurred at Mergezere and Suware. Here, at 21:00 hour, while enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with 7 sikorsky helicopters, time to time the clashes still continues in these areas.
During the 4 hour clashes occurred in between cobra type helicopters and our guerrillas, 1 cobra type helicopter hit by our guerrillas and repulsed within flames. We couldn’t be able to clerified what happened to this damaged helicopter.
After heawy blows against the occupier Turkish state army, its war-planes carried out air-bombardments on the Mnt. Carcele and the areas where clashes occurred, in between 17:30-18:30 and 22:00-23:00 hours. Also, the occupier Turkish state army also carrying out obus and mortar bombardments continuesly on the Mnt. Carcela and all the areas where clashes occurs, since morning hours of 17 August. As a result of these bombardments bush-fires began in these areas, which are still continues.
On 19 Agust in between 04:00-06:30 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Gire Ronahi, Merge and Hope/Semdinli.
Within the scope of our guerrillas’ Semdinli Operation, on 18 August at around 17:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against an one of the enemy military unit keeping the security of Semdinli Brigade. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed. Again, our guerrillas also carried out another action against the security Hill of the Gare Regiment. As a result of this action, all enemy targets have been hit effectively by our guerrillas, where many positions of enemy destroyed and damaged. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
HPG Media and Communication Center19. 08. 2012
Basına ve Kamuoyuna!
Şırnak’ta 8 Asker, 3 Polis Öldürüldü
1. 16 Ağustos günü Dersim merkeze bağlı Hakis, Hıngırvan, Dokuzkaya Sırtları ve Harçik vadisine yönelik işgalci TC ordusu tarafından başlatılan operasyon gücünün ağırlıklı bölümü 19 Ağustos günü saat 19.00 sularında geri çekilmiştir. Düşmanın gizli birliklerinin keşif ve pusulama faaliyetleri devam etmektedir.
2. 17 Ağustos günü saat 22.20 sularında Van’ın Edremit ilçesindeki bir polis noktasına yönelik gerillalarımız tarafından bir eylem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen eylemde 1 polis öldürülmüştür.
3. 18 Ağustos günü saat 15.30 sularında Mardin’in Nusaybin ilçesine bağlı Xırabe Alê karakoluna yönelik gerillalarımız tarafından bir eylem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Eylemde 1 düşman askeri öldürülmüştür.
4. 18 Ağustos günü saat 22.20 sularında Şırnak Emniyet müdürlüğü ve Çakırsu tugayına yönelik gerillalarımız tarafından eşzamanlı bir eylem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Emniyet müdürlüğü nöbetçi kulübesinin tamamen imha edildiği eylemde 3 polis öldürülmüştür. Tugay binasının tahrip olduğu ikinci eylemdeki ölü ve yaralı asker sayısı tespit edilememiştir.
Eylem ardından 19 Ağustos günü sabah saatlerinde Beroje kapısını tutmak için harekete geçen işgalci TC ordu askerleriyle gerillalarımız arasında saat 14.00 sularında bir çatışma yaşanmıştır. Bu çatışmada ölü ve yaralı sayısı tespit edilemeyen düşman kobra helikopterlerle müdahale girişiminde bulunmuş, gerillalarımızın karşılık vermesi üzerine kobra helikopterler alandan uzaklaşmak zorunda kalmıştır. Diğer bir kol askerle Meydane kapısını tutmak isteyen düşmana yönelik saat 16.00 sularında gerçekleştirilen farklı bir eylemde ise 8 düşman askeri öldürülmüştür. Düşman ölü ve yaralılarını kobra helikopterler desteğindeki 4 skorsky helikopterle alandan uzaklaştırmıştır.
5. 19 Ağustos günü 11.30-13.30 saatleri arasında Antep’in Islahiye ilçesiyle Hınzır yaylası arasındaki yol üzerinde gerillalarımız tarafından bir yol kontrolü gerçekleştirilmiştir. Durdurulan araçlarda kimlik kontrolü gerçekleştiren gerillalarımız halkın Ramazan bayramını kutlayarak süreç hakkında bilgilendirme yapılmıştır.
6. Hakkari’nin Şemdinli-Yüksekova hattındaki gerilla denetimi devam etmektedir. Gerillalarımızın denetiminde bulunan alanlarda 18-19 Ağustos günlerinde gerçekleştirilen eylemler ve düşman saldırıları kapsamındaki gelişmeler şu şekildedir;
18 Ağustos günü Geliye Doskî alanında başlayan düşman operasyonu Sertêl mıntıkasına doğru genişleyerek devam etmektedir. Bu operasyon kapsamında 19 Ağustos günü saat 08.00 sularında Glord tepesinden Serengil ve Memişka alanlarına doğru harekete geçen düşman gücüne yönelik bir eylem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Eylemde 1 asker öldürülmüştür. Düşman, ölü askerini 1 skorsky helikopterle alandan uzaklaştırmıştır.
19 Ağustos günü saat 19.00 sularında gerillalarımız Şemdinli’ye bağlı Dûre karakoluna yönelik bir eylem gerçekleştirmiştir. Nöbetçi kulübesinin, nizamiye ve mevziilerin etkili bir şekilde vurulduğu ve karakol binasının alev aldığı eylemde tespit edilebilen 1 düşman askeri öldürülmüştür.
Uçak ve topçu saldırılarına devam eden işgalci TC ordusu 19 Ağustos günü 16.00-17.00 saatleri arasında Çarçela dağına yönelik savaş uçaklarıyla, 17.00-22.00 saatleri arasında da obüs ve havan toplarıyla bir bombardıman düzenlemiştir. Düşman Şemdinli’ye bağlı Goste, Gare, Masiro alanları, Nirkola ve Hacıbeg suyu vadilerine yönelik de 19 Ağustos günü 17.30’dan bugün sabah saatlerine kadar aralıksız obüs ve havan toplarıyla bombardıman düzenlemiştir.
7. 18 Ağustos günü Şırnak’ın Beytüşşebap ilçesine bağlı Guanusê ve Bilbese köyleri arasında operasyona çıkan işgalci TC ordusuna bağlı iki birliğe bağlı askerler arasında bir çatışma yaşanmıştır. Yaşanan çatışmada 2 düşman askeri ölmüştür.
HPG Basın-İrtibat Merkezi 20 Ağustos 2012
Basına ve Kamuoyuna!
Yoldaşlarımızın Şahadetinde Rolü Olan Kontra Tutuklandı
1. 20 Ağustos günü Hakkari korucuları dernek başkanı, Silehe bölgesi korucu başı ve birçok gerillamızın şahadetinde parmağı olan kontra Sadi Özatak tutuklanmış, Musa Temel isimli bir şüpheli de gerillalarımız tarafından gözaltına alınmıştır.
2. Şırnak merkeze bağlı Meydane ve Beroje alanlarında işgalci TC ordusu tarafından başlatılan operasyon sonucu 20 Ağustos günü saat 11.00 ayrı çatışma yaşanmıştır. Yaşanan çatışmalardaki ölü ve yaralı düşman askerlerinin sayısı tespit edilememiştir.
3. 20 Ağustos günü 16.00 ile 21 Ağustos günü 04.30 saatleri arasında Hakkari’nin Şemdinli ilçesine bağlı Nirkola vadisi, Goste, Gomake, Masiro, Gare ve Geniş tepe alanlarına yönelik işgalci TC ordusu tarafından obüs ve havan toplarıyla bir bombardıman düzenlenmiştir.
4. 20 Ağustos günü 15.00-16.00 saatleri arasında Hakkari’nin Yüksekova ilçesine bağlı Mergezere alanına yönelik işgalci TC ordusuna ait savaş uçakları tarafından bir bombardıman düzenlenmiştir. Aynı alan 21.00-22.00 saatleri arasında da obüs ve havan toplarıyla bombalanmıştır.
HPG Basın-İrtibat Merkezi 21 Ağustos 2012
HPG: We have nothing to do with blast in Antep
Guerrillas denied any involvement in Antep bomb
21 August 2012- in a statement to ANF the HPG (People’s Defence Forces) said that it has nothing to do with last night explosions in Antep. The blast killed 8 people, included 3 children, and wounded over 60.
In the statement the HPG said that “we have declared a non action period over the end of Ramadan days. We have observed this decision and therefore we reject claims by Turkish media that the explosion in Antep was caused by our guerrillas. We had nothing to do with the blast in Antep, we do not carry out actions which will put civilians life at risk”.
The HPG had declared they would avoid clashes during the end of Ramadan and would only carry out self-defense actions.
1- On 18 August in between 18:00-19:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out action on the enemy forces from the 49 military station, whome wanted launch a military operation, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed and 1 other wounded. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried out bombardments on the area of action with obus and mortars.
2- On 20 August at around 08:30 hour, an action carried out against operational forces of occupier Turkish state army on the Road of Van-Colemerg. As a result, a Jammer type military vehicle destroyed and 3 professional sergeant killed. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces attempted to air-land its soldiers on the area of action and, one of the enemy helicopter lost its balance and as a result its propeller hit the First Lieutenant and killed him. The enemy operational forces pulled back in the night hours of the same day.
3- On 21 August at around 11:00 hour, our guerrillas hit and damaged a enemy’ sikorsky type helicopter, which was carrying munitions and deploying soldiers to the operational forces of occupier Turkish state army in the area in between Gundike Mele/Cudi and Sirnak. The military helicopter had repulsed from the area.
The reports given out by the Turkish Media that 6 of our guerrillas have been martryd in the area of Sirnak, do not reflect the reality.
4- On 18 August at around 14:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational forces of occupier Turkish state army nearby the Hills of Glord and Ceta/Geliye Doski. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed. The operation still continues.
Within the scope of the same enemy operation, at 15:30 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and operational forces of enemy nearby the Oramar military station. In this clash, number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
5- On 21 August in between 15:30-16:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Village of Kustane/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
22. 08. 2012
1- On 22 August in between 20:30-21:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road in between the cities of Erzurum and Bingol. During the road control, our guerrillas stopped 80 vehicles, checked the I.D.s and the people in collaboration with enemy have been warned.
2- On 22 August, our guerrillas have detained a person name Ahmet Meric, from the Village of Gorde, in the district of Diyadin/Agri, for collabarating with enemy. The questioning of this person still continues.
3- On 22 August at around 10:00 hour, our guerrillas carried a Road Control on the road in between the area of Sengirik and the district of Piran/Amed. During the road control and I.D. check-up, the ex-official of the AKP in the district of Sur and now the administrator in the AKP, Hamit Celikkanat, have been taken under detention by our guerrillas.
4- On 22 August in between 14:00-17:00 hours, our guerrillas effectively hit the Gare Regiment/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, while substantial damaged occurred in enemy Regiment, the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
5- On 22 August in between 17:00-17:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action on the Hill of Gare Regiment/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 4 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Hillsides of Gare and Karker, and the River of Hacibeg.
6- On 22 August at around 12:45 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a unit of active enemy force, consists of 120 soldiers and 30 village-guards, in the rural area of the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, intensive clashes and bombardments occurred by the cobra type helicopters until 15:00 hour, on the same day. And, while our guerrillas have taken the control of 3 Hills, 5 enemy soldiers killed and 6 others wounded. There were also intensive clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy forces came for intervention and beside that those enemy forces came to carry away the corpses of their killed and wounded soldiers. Also, 6 other enemy soldiers killed here by our guerrillas, as well.
Again, our guerrillas also carried out an action against a Hedgehog and a Scorpian type military armoured vehicles, which came to intervene from the Besosin military station. As a result, the armoured military vehicles have been hit and damaged by our guerrillas, and had to repulsed within flames.
Our guerrillas also carried out another action against a infantryman of a Unit of Special Teams made of 18 members. As a result, 7 enemy members of the Special Teams killed and 6 others wounded by our guerrillas.
As a result of all these clashes, toatal of 18 enemy soldiers killed, 12 others wounded by our guerrillas. Our guerrillas also confiscated 1 HK-33, 2 binoculers, 6 cartridges, 2 military bags, 5 rocets of the bomb-thrower and a telephone belongs to enemy.
Aftermath of the clashes, in the night hours, while enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with sikorsky type helicopters, enemy forces carried out bombardments with cobra type helicopters, obus and mortar on the area of action and its surrounding areas, the Hillsides of Evliya, the Village of Nirkola and its surrounding area, the Village of Salara and the Hillsides of Goste.
7- On 22 August at around 19:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on the enemy soldiers, who launched a military operation in the surrounding area of the Zawiste military station, in the district of Catak/Van. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed and 2 others wounded by our guerrillas. The operation in the area still continues.
8- On 22 August in between 07:30-10:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road control nearby the Village of Xuvare, in between the district of Catak/Van and Pervari/Siirt. While our guerrillas stop and controlled 20 vehicles and, a person name Seyfettin Saca, who is in collaboration with enemy have been detained and taken in front of a court in front of the people. The detainee has been released after he promised in front of the court that he will not collaborate with enemy again, and also on the people’s request.
HPG Media and Communication Center23. 08. 2012