Regime forces murder more than 80 civilians in Damascus

Syrian Revolution News Round- up / Day 527

Regime forces accompanied by so-called “popular committees” formed by Alawite, pro-Assad militias attacked several neighborhoods in the capital, murdering more than 46 civilians in the neighborhood of Qabun, 25 in Kafarsouseh and 17 more in Nahar Aisha, while arresting more than 70 in the neighbourhood of Jobar.

Regime forces also shelled the neighbourhoods of Qadam and Nahar Aisha, amid heavy clashes that also spread to the vicinity of Mazeh military airport in the capital. They also resumed shelling the provincial towns of Douma, Moadamiya, Zabadani, Deir Asafir, Hameh and Daraya.

Rebel fighters said that they now control more than 80 percent of the country and that they shot down an MIG fighter jet in the neighbourhood of Maysar in Aleppo. Clashes also broke out in the neighbourhoods of Saif Adola, Saladin and Maysaloun. The regime’s artillery and warplanes pounded the neighbourhoods of Suleiman Halabi, Bustan Basha, Masaken Fardos, Bustan Qaser, Salhein, Sakhour, al-Bab Road, A’deid and Masaken Hanano and the provincial towns of Ezaz, Marea, Maskan, Ebein and Saqeira.

After a tactical withdrawal from the Daraa suburb of Herak, regime forces launched a massive military offensive against the town, forcing a mass exodus and arresting dozens of civilians, using them as human shields to prevent attacks by rebel fighters. They also shelled several neighborhoods in the city of Daraa and its provincial towns of Naima, Um Mayathen, Ma’arbeh, Ghariya Gharbiy, Ghariya Sharqiya, Heitt, Mezereib, Karak Sharqi and the Lajat district.

The regime’s helicopter gunships, rocket launchers and heavy artillery continued pounding the city of Homs and its provincial towns of Rastan, Talkalakh and Qsair. Regime forces also shelled the Hama suburbs of Karnaz, Madiq Fortress, Jabal Shahshabo and the village of Qastoun. They also resumed shelling the city of Deir Azzour and its provincial town of Abu Kamal, amid heavy clashes with rebel fighters who seized power of the town yesterday. They also shelled the villages of Aido and Qastal in the suburbs of Latakia as well as the city of Idlib and its provincial towns of Kafarnabel, Ariha, Khan Sheikhoun and the villages in the Jabal Azzawiya district leaving scores of people dead and many more wounded.