READ THE RESULTS : SPI ORG & Radio Dangi New : First Questionnaire / HALABJA POLL
After 25 years of bombarding Halabja with chemical gas
How do the people of that town think?
As a new initiative for the disastrous 25th anniversary of the crime of bombarding Halabja with chemical gas, we find it important to carry out a questionnaire among all classes and groups of that town. Thus, the people will have the opportunity to express their views about several important issues and subjects related to services, their past and their future. Attempts have been made to put the questions in the form of a type of assessment for the performances of the official and non-official concerned establishments in affording those services.
Our sole mission, as Dangi Nwe Radio, our cooperators in Spi Org. for the gassed areas and the volunteers, who conducted this task with us, is to play a role through this questionnaire in relaying the voice and demands of the people of Halabja, as a primitive right of theirs, especially after that big crime that was committed against them, despite the fact that every fellow citizen, wherever she/he was in this country, deserves to be served.
We request all the official and non-official concerned departments, especially those that have been directly referred to, to take this questionnaire into consideration and act according to its outcomes for the benefit of all. We hope narrow-minded interpretation is made for this questionnaire. Let the general interests be put before all the other ones.
Dangi Nwe Radio
Spi Organization for the Gassed Areas
A Group of volunteers and Halabja fellow citizens
Part one: Demography
Gender Section:
Out of 2500 participants, 1359 were males and 1118 were females and 23 have not referred to their gender.
This means that the rate of 54.36% is males, 44.72% females and 0.92% is unknown.
Ages of the participants:
178 persons from the age of 12-18 make 6.72%.
414 persons from the age of 18-25 make 16.56%.
345 persons from the age of 25-30 make 13.8%.
213 persons from the age of 30-35 make 8.52%.
158 persons from the age of 35-40 make 6.32%.
230 persons over the age 40 make 9.2%.
962 persons have not ticked their ages make 38.48%.
Level of education:
Participants educational backgrounds were generally from all levels. 62 of them were illiterate, 82 could only read, 67 were able to read and write, 282 had obtained primary education, 363 were in the intermediate stage of education, while 463 were preparatory, 557 institute and 515 university students. 39 had Master degrees, 3 PhDs and 67 participants had not referred to their education.
Marital Status
191 participants in the questionnaire had not referred to their marital stat which makes 7.64%. While 1036 ones who make 41.44%, are singles. Meanwhile, 1273 are married and make 50.92% of the questionnaire.
Part Two: Basic Questions
First: As a fellow citizen of Halabja, how satisfied are you with the drinking water?
In answer to this question, 1671 answered yes to make a rate of 66.84% of the participants. Besides, 773 persons participated by No to make 30.92% of them. And 34 have answered ‘I don’t know’ which makes 1.36% of the participants, while 22 had not answered at all. Their rate is 0.88%.
Second: How satisfied are you with the national power?
In answer to this question, 1577 answered in favor of the question. Their rate was 63.08% of the participants. Besides, 870 persons participated by No. Their rate is 34.08% of them. And 22 have answered ‘I don’t know’ which makes while 31 had not answered at all.
Third: How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of your town?
In answer to this question, 1108 persons took part and answered yes to make a rate of 44.32% of the participants. And, 1392 persons participated by No to make 53.16% of them.
Part Three: Government’s Promises
First: How satisfied are you with the projects implemented in Halabja?
1106 answered yes to make a rate of 44.24% of the participants. While, 1288 persons participated by No to make 51.52%. And 72 have answered ‘I don’t know’ which makes 2.88% of the participants, while 34 had not answered at all. Their rate is 1.36%.
Second: How much has the government kept its promises?
179 participants say that most of the promises have been fulfilled. Their rate is 9.16%. And 1436 say very few of them have been kept. The rate is 57.44%. And 631 whose rate is 25.24% say none of the promises have been kept. 191 have answered ‘I don’t know’. Their rate is 7.64%. Meanwhile, 63 had not answered at all. Their rate is 2.52%.
Part Three: About the anniversary of bombarding Halabja with chemical gas
First: Do you annually take part in the anniversary of Halabja?
732 answered yes to make a rate of 29.28%. And 735 persons participated by ‘sometimes’ to make 29.4%. And 861 say No which makes 34.44% of the participants, while 172 had not answered at all. Their rate is 6.88%.
Note: the reasons behind those peoples’ not participating are mainly the following:
1. Turning the memoir into a party ceremony.
2. Promises are made but not kept.
3. It is a symbolic memoir, merely to pass the day.
Second: Which are the parties that annually memorize the anniversary?
In answer to this question, 205 said all parties together. Their rate was 8.2% of the participants. 647 persons said the parties in power do it. Their rate is 22.88%. And 117 said the government with parties’ interference. Their rate is 4.68%.
100 said civil society orgs, their rate is 4% and 96 say independent youth groups. Their rate is 3.8%.
254 participants say all those parties together. Their rate is 10.16%. And 1081 had not answered at all. Their rate is 43.24%.
Third: Assessment of memorizing Halabja gassing compared to the previous years?
479 answers were positive. Rate was 19.08%. And 450 said medium. Their rate was 18% of the participants. 739 were negative. Their rate was 29.56%. And 66 said ‘I don’t know’. Their rate is 2.64%.
Their rate is 3.8%.
766 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.64%.
Fourth: How was the performance of the administration unit of Halabja in managing the anniversary?
512 answers were positive. Their rate was 20.48%. 503 answers were medium. Their rate is 20.12%. And 631 answers were negative. Their rate is 25.4%. While, 81 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate is 3.24%. And 773 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.92%.
Fourth: How was the performance in Halabja victim society?
640 answers were positive. Their rate was 25.6%. And 465 answers were medium. Their rate was 18.6%. And 545 answers were negative. Their rate is 21.8%. While, 71 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate is 2.84%. And 779 had not answered at all. Their rate is 31.16%.
Sixth: The role of the media
944 answers were positive in talking about the role of the media. Their rate was 37.76%. And 451 answers were medium. Their rate was 18.04%. And 322 answers were negative in describing their role. The rate was 12.88%. While, 23 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 0.92%. And 691 had not answered at all. Their rate is 27.64%.
Seventh: The efforts of those responsible in recognizing Halabja as a genocide?
493 answers were positive. Their rate was 19.72%. And 364 answers were medium. Their rate was 14.56%. And 789 answers were negative. The rate was 31.56%. While, 69 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 2.76%. And 785 had not answered at all. Their rate is 31.4%.
Eighth: The role of local orgs.
547 answers were positive. Their rate was 21.88%. And 429 answers were medium. Their rate was 17.16%. And 668 answers were negative. The rate was 26.4%. While, 88 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 3.52%. And 768 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.72%.
Ninth: The role of the international NGOs in recognizing Halabja as a genocide?
674 answers were positive. Their rate was 26.96%. And 367 answers said the role was medium. Their rate was 14.68%. And 521 answers were negative in describing their role. The rate was 20.84%. While, 167 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 6.68%. And 771 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.84%.
Part Five: Governmental projects in Halabja
First: Treating the injured
826 answers were positive. Their rate was 33.04%. And 764 answers said the role was negative. Their rate was 30.56%. And 64 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 2.56%. And 864 had not answered at all. Their rate is 33.84%.
Second: Financially and morally reimbursing those who had been harmed?
676 answers were positive in talking about the reimbursement. Their rate was 27.04%. And 962 answers were negative. Their rate was 38.48%. And 99 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 3.96%. And 763 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.52%.
Third: Reconstruction of all the ruins?
566 answers were positive in talking about reconstruction. Their rate was 22.64%. And 1076 answers were negative. Their rate was 43.04%. And 54 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 2.16%. And 804 had not answered at all. Their rate is 32.16%.
Fourth: Has the case of Halabja been recognized as genocide on the international level?
544 answers were that serious efforts have been made. Their rate was 21.76%. And 983 answers were that they had been negligent. Their rate was 39.32%. And 199 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 7.96%. And 774 had not answered at all. Their rate is 30.96%.
Fifth: Has a centre for scientific researches in the town been built?
226 answers were positive. Their rate was 9.04%. And 1106 answers were negative. Their rate was 44.24%. And 336 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 13.44%. And 832 had not answered at all. Their rate is 33.28%.
Sixth: affording housing for those who were hit by the gas and who have lost their families?
476 answers were positive. Their rate was 19.04%. And 1036 answers were negative. Their rate was 41.44%. And 197 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 7.88%. And 791 had not answered at all. Their rate is 31.64%.
Seventh: reconstruction of roads?
844 answers were positive. Their rate was 33.76%. And 824 answers were negative in talking about roads. Their rate was 33%. And 37 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 1.32%. And 795 had not answered at all. Their rate is 31.8%.
شةشةم(!!!): دروستكردنىشويَنىنيشتةجيَبوون؟
747 بةشداربووبةئيجابىوةلآمىئةمثرسيارةدةدةنةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 29.88% هةروةها 890 بةشداربووبةنةريَنىباسلةضاككردنىريَطاوبانةكاندةكةنكةدةكاتةريَذةى 35.92% هةروةها 52 بةشداربوودةلَيَننازانينكةدةكاتةريَذةى 2.08% ء 811 بةشداربووبيَوةلآمنكةدةطاتةريَذةى 32.44%
Sixth: building up residential units?
747 answers were positive. Their rate was 29.88%. And 890 answers were negative in talking about roads. Their rate was 35.92%. And 52 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 2.08%. And 811 had not answered at all. Their rate is 32.44%.
حةوتةم: كردنةوةىخويَندنطةوزانكؤ
1005 بةشداربووبةئيجابىباسدةكةنكةدةكاتةريَذةى 40.2% هةروةها 652 بةشداربووبةنةريَنىوةلآمدةدةنةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 26.08% ء 37 بةشداربووبةنازانموةلآمىداوةتةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 1.48% هةروةها 806 بةشداربوووةلآمياننةداوةتةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 32.24%
Seventh: opening schools and university?
1005 answers were positive. Their rate was 40.2%. And 652 answers were negative. Their rate was 26.08%. And 37 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 1.48%. And 806 had not answered at all. Their rate is 32.24%.
هةشتةم: زيادكردنىمعاش
828 لةبةشداربوانبةئةريَنىوةلآميانداوةتةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 33.12% هةروةها 754 لةبةشداربوانبةنةريَنىوةلآمدةدةنةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 30.16% ء100 لةبةشداربوانبةنازانموةلآمدةدةنةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 4% هةروةها 818 وةلآمىئةمثرسيارةنادةنةوةكةدةكاتةريَذةى 32.72%
Eighth: increase in salaries?
828 answers were positive. Their rate was 33.12%. And 754 answers were negative. Their rate was 30.16%. And 100 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 4%. And 818 had not answered at all. Their rate is 32.72%.
Ninth: monthly salary for chemical gas victims?
1006 answers were positive. Their rate was 44.24%. And 548 answers were negative. Their rate was 21.92%. And 146 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 5.84%. And 800 had not answered at all. Their rate is 32%.
Tenth: treating the injured by chemical weapons abroad?
790 answers were positive. Their rate was 31.6%. And 821 answers were negative. Their rate was 32.84%. And 104 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 4.16%. And 785 had not answered at all. Their rate is 21.4%.
Eleventh: Turning Halabja into a governorate?
252 answers were positive that authorities had been serious in planning to turn Halabja into a governorate. Their rate was 10.08%. And 1237 answers were negative; authorities had not been serious. Their rate was 49.08%. And 181 participants answered by ‘I don’t know’. Their rate was 7.24%. And 830 had not answered at all. Their rate is 33.2%.
Twelfth: Who do you prefer to manage the anniversaries of Halabja gassing from now on?
308 answers prefer civil society orgs. Their rate was 12.32%. And 285 went for the government. Their rate was 11.4%. And 39 participants preferred the parties in power. Their rate is 1.56%. And 108 prefer the political parties. Their rate is 4.32%. And 263 prefer the relatives of the victims. Their rate is 10.52%. And 610 think all the parties and group should altogether commemorate the anniversary. Their rate is 24.4%. Meanwhile, 887 had not answered at all. Their rate is 35.48%.
Thirteenth: How should the anniversary be commemorated?
Every participants could choose three choices as below:
506 said artistic activities should be conducted. 1116 said chemical bombardment remnants and documents to be presented. 1079 think that a committee ought to be formed for following up the promises made during the anniversaries. 207 fellow citizens say it is necessary to forbid the slaughtering of sheep and cattle. And 66 say that it ought to be commemorated just by holding speeches.
The outcomes of the questionnaire:
1- Offering the people of the town to express their opinions directly without any censor in showing importance to the issues concerning Halabja, the crime, the footmarks it left, the actions taken, the shortages and the negligence appeared.
2- Becoming aware of the level of fellow citizens satisfactions with the services.
3- Participation of the people of Halabja in the way the anniversary is commemorated.
No work is performed without shortages and difficulties. This work of ours faced some difficulties, the most remarkable of them are:
1- Many of the questions and the big size of the form that needed a lot of time to fill in; and that was related to the comprehensiveness of the information which cannot be neglected especially when we know that this is the first questionnaire performed in this way.
2- Limited time for performing the questionnaire which was 75 days in total from announcing it till today. And this period is little for this type of questionnaire that ought to be not less than four months.
3- Due to the decrease of confidence between the government and the organizations in a way that some people have lost confidence in any type of activity. Many people were not ready to read and fill in the form. And this has got to do with awareness.
4- The team members had been busy with their personal work. The fact that they decided to carry this load and responsibility filled them with pride. If they had not been so loyal, this work would have not come to this result.
Note: the questionnaire included 2500 form copies, that was carried out by a volunteer team of Halabja. The form contained 13 main questions and 45 subordinate ones. The total is 58 questions that were forwarded to the people. This project started from 20/12 and ended on 25/02.