11.11.2012 – Hasakah province: Members of the Kurdish Popular Protection Units, which is part of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), have taken control of several towns in the province. In the city of Nahiyat Tamr they took control of the military security branch, the governors building, and on the checkpoint by the entrance of the city, from the Qamishli, Aleppo highway. This came after the members of the units surrounded the main regime buildings, the fate of some branches in Nahiyat Tamr is still unknown. In the city of al-Derbasiya members of the Kurdish Popular Protection Units took control yesterday of all security branches.

The Political, Military, State and Airforce Security branches are now completely empty in the city. They also took control of the police department, the governor building, and the Turkish-Syrian border crossing. This came after a popular besiegement of these branches, which lasted for hours and led to negotiations that facilitated the safe exit of all regime forces and the handing power to the local population. Kurdish refugees from the town of Ras al-Ein have begun returning to the town after it has become completely outside regime control.