Media and Relations office of the Democratic Union Party / Briefing News and Activities 3-6 September 2012, in Western Kurdistan:
The People’s Council of Western Kurdistan condemning the brutal massacre in Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood, Kurdish populated area in Aleppo.
The People’s council of Western Kurdistan condemned the massacre on 6 September 2012 committed by Syrian brutal air craft bombardment and shelling the Kurdish populated Sheikh Maqsoud neighbourhood in Aleppo targeting civilians Kurdish people resulting in killings of 21 civilians and more than 45 civilians wounded, among them children and women most of the victims were from Afrin, where the victims were buried in a mass demonstration condemning the killings and chanted to protect the Kurdish region from the violence. The people protection Units (YPG) warned the brutal regime which has lost the legitimacy by killing its own people to stop provoking and targeting the Kurdish area which is controlled by Kurds to drag whole country to violent civil war and promised to protect the kurdish region from regime’s brutal violence.
The Higher Kurdish Council Activities
Southern Kurdistan: The higher Kurdish Council arrived to South Kurdistan to hold few meetings:
Closed sources to the higher Kurdish Council declared that the council went ahead to south of Kurdistan to hold several visits there ,as part of the general plan, in order to discuss with Kurdish powers about the latest events which taking place with the freedom revolution in Western Kurdistan and Syria. The Meetings will take place in the framework of activating the relations between the Western Kurdistan and other parts of Kurdistan.
The higher Kurdish council which emanated out of Howler announcement began its work since the signing off the convention in the 11th of July 2012, the council held then a series of meetings in South Kurdistan accompanied with several meetings with leaders of the Kurdish parties and a number of national figures to transfer the viewpoint of the council around the revolution of freedom in western Kurdistan, then it returned back to Qamishlo to resume its activities.
· The Higher Kurdish Council Activities
Efrin: Meeting Of relation Committee Of The Higher Kurdish Council
Relations committee of the higher council of Efrin held its second meeting in Gerewyee village – Shirwa region, indicating that the first meeting was in Chilma village – Jinderes region, and this meeting attended yesterday evening by hundreds of village people.This meeting comes up to reinforce Kurdish union relations and strengthen cooperation principles between Kurdish people and to introduce council members to Efrin region people.
· Social Activities in West Kurdistan:
Qamishlo: Al-Asayish arrest gang involved in armed robbery
Al-Asayish forces which related to the higher Kurdish council could arrest theft gang in Qamishlo city, according to a close sources Al-Asayish were able to catch the involved thieves who rob a car and 375’000 Syrian Pound which were possessed by a Christian citizen.
Al-Asayish forces in Qamishlo city could get the money and car back to the mentioned citizen.
The merits of the case is since five days ago when an armed group ,consisted of four persons ,stopped George Aho Marouki car and have stolen the car plus 375’000 Syrian Pound from him then they run away.
Maruoki narrating his story:
‘’ It was around 12 o’clock midnight when a black car (Cerato brand) has stopped me and four persons come out of the car, they’ve threatened me by their weapons to go out of the car ,otherwise they will kill me. I was forced to obey them and they took the car away’’
Marouki continuing: ‘’ I went to People House and told them my story and after four days , Al-asayesh get me back my complete money and car, and I am thankful for their assistance for me’’
Regarding to this incident, in charge person in Al-ashayes said: ‘’We have received a report from People House in Heleliee district that an armed group has robbed a money plus a car from George Aho Marouki, we directly started to investigate about it, consequently we could catch so-called ‘’ KH. A’’ in one of airport-road casino’s and after investigation with him he has confessed that he did this robbery with a group of friends, so we have returned all robbed items back to Marouki’’ .
· The security situation in West Kurdistan
Qamishlo: Syrian Regime Security arresting five Kurdish youths:
A patrol related to Syrian regime security has arrested five Kurdish guys today morning on the international road (Zoree rounabout) – Qamishlo city entrance where they were their way to Derbasiye , moreover, they didn’t tell the reason of the arrest.
The arrested guys are: Jihad Husain Sido, Kawa Sido, Azad Issa Suliman, who are older than 25 years old and Haj Issa Sido (fifty year old) , all arrested men are from Al-ganamya village – 5 KM away of Derbasiye city , referring to that two of them are from non-granted ID citizens (the non-nationalized Kurds)
The implications of recent campaign of arrests against young Kurds
West Kurdistan youth Organization calling young Kurds to refuse the military service in regime army
West Kurdistan youth Organization calling young Kurds to a refuse the service in regime army and shift instead to volunteer in regime army to defend for Kurdish people against injustice and aggression .
· Democratic Self-Management Project
“Derona Aggie” Village Forms Its Own Council
A s one of activities series undertaken by the democratic society movement in western Kurdistan to entrench the principle of democratic self-management and building of the popular councils in all villages and towns of western Kurdistan, Popular Council elections began on last Saturday in “Derona Aggie” village which related to ‘’Gerke Lagie’’ town.
At the end of voting process ,election commission for popular councils of ‘’Gerke Lagie’’ announced the winners names as follow: Rozan Shekhmus , Oruba Hassan, Nahla Selie,Jihan Mhd Said, Alan Mhd, Jwan Musa, Mahmud Musa, Abdulhamid, Khalaf Guli, Qasim Mahmud and Bahram Kendi.
· Local Councils Activities
Qamishlo: Houskeeping Campaign in Qedurbek District
Health and environment committee of the popular council of Qedurbek District – Qamishlo has supervised a wide cleaning campaign, as the inhabitant of mentioned district has raised a complain to the council which requesting to end up the bad situation of the existing rubbish in Mahmaqia village.
· Izidian Socaity Activities:
Efrin: Meeting about Izidian culture
Izidian socity in Efrin has organized a meeting for Izidian Kurds demonstrating the habit and culture of Zaradashti religion and the policy which got applied against this religion by the regime in order to let Kurds forgetting their culture , habits and traditions.
· Syrian – Turkish Borders:
Kobani – Kurdish guy losses a limb due to landmine
On Saturday, a young Kurdish guy “Adham Mohiuddin Muslim” from village “Qara Mog” -Kobani, were seriously injured as a result of a landmine explosion resulted an amputation of his limb.
The planted mines along the border between Syria and Turkey, which claim the lives of dozens of innocent and defenseless Kurdish citizens, are causing many of whom losting their limbs, and both Turkish and Syrian governments don’t take any necessary measures towards this phenomenon so far.
· The security situation in Syria
Kurdish activist arrested Saifuddin Osman
Syrian troops have arrested on last Monday 27th August the Kurdish political activist and member of the Democratic Union “Saifuddin Osman” was arrested at the border Tel Abiad- Raqqa while crossing in, and this arrest was ordered by the Political Security branch in al-Hasakah province.
According to Saifuddin’s wife : the family was on its way to South Kurdistan to perform condolences to some relatives.
· Kurdish language Establishment Activities:
Kobani keeps transferring more public schools into the Kurdish language
Kurdish language Establishment continues opening more Kurdish language schools, where it converts Tishrin governmental school to a learning school by kurdish language, and this step comes within the framework of the campaign carried out by the Kurdish language establishment in order to teach/learn the mother-tongue.
Walid Jamaan (member of the executive committee of the Popular Coucils of Kobani) has delivered a speech congratulating Kurdish people for historical advantages which Kurds are achieving nowadays, considering that the language is basic and essential part of any nation, thanking the Kurdish language establishment for its role in language teaching project.